Issue - meetings

Public Health Transfer Order

Meeting: 19/03/2013 - Cabinet (Item 115)

115 Public Health Transfer Order pdf icon PDF 53 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Health presented a report on the transition of staff, information and contracts to the Council upon it taking up the statutory duty to improve the health of people in the Borough from 1 April 2013.


It was noted that under the Social Care Act 2012, the Secretary of State would transfer assets, property, liabilities, contracts and staff from the former Primary Care Trust (PCT) to the Council by way of a Transfer Scheme, yet to be published by the Department of Health, and the Council would need to ensure that the necessary governance framework was in place to give effect to the directions of the Secretary of State.  The flow of information up to the 31 March 2013 deadline would be a rapid and the Cabinet Member explained that there would be insufficient time to seek Cabinet instruction on the necessary decisions and actions to comply with the directions on the establishment of the public health function within the Council. 


Cabinet agreed:


(i)  To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, to approve and sign off on the Council’s behalf all Transfer Schemes, grant such waivers of Council Contract Rules and approve or sign off, conclude and enter into all necessary negotiations, contracts, agreements and any other governance or ancillary transfer-related documentation and take all such other action as may be required under the Act or by law or otherwise to facilitate and implement the effective transfer of the public health functions (including any necessary contractual, staffing and service commitments) from NHS North East London & City cluster of Primary Care Trusts to the Council, and


(ii)  To authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, or an authorised delegate on her behalf, to enter into and execute all contracts, agreements and legal documentation deemed necessary and appropriate to facilitate the transfer.