Issue - meetings

Park Development Project: Central Park, Eastbrookend Country Park and Parsloes Park

Meeting: 08/04/2014 - Cabinet (Item 109)

109 Park Development Project: Central Park, Eastbrookend Country Park and Parsloes Park pdf icon PDF 53 KB

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The Leader presented a report on the outcome of a recent public consultation exercise which sought views on the improvements that the local community would most like to see in respect of Central Park, Eastbrookend Country Park and Parsloes Park.


The Leader advised that £500,000 had been earmarked for the improvement programme which would be focussed on capital projects, in view of the significant constraints on the Council’s revenue budget going forward.  A value for money assessment would be undertaken of the proposals stemming from the consultation and a final package of measures implemented.


The Cabinet Member for Finance referred to the significant capital investment in the Borough’s parks in recent years, funded via Council budgets as well as successful grant applications, and suggested that the works for these latest improvements be funded from capital receipts.


Members were advised of a number of other recent initiatives relating to the parks, including the relocation of the Council’s Tenant Participation team to the Millenium Centre at Eastbrookend Country Park and the reopening of the Millenium Café in the summer.  The Corporate Director of Housing and Environment also confirmed that a review of allotment provision in the Borough, to be undertaken later in the year, would include the potential establishment of community orchards which had proved successful elsewhere.


The Leader placed on record his appreciation of those that participated in the consultation and commented on the particular success of the online campaign which was responsible for 47 of the 154 responses received. 


Cabinet resolved to authorise the Corporate Director of Housing and Environment, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, to act on the results of the public consultation and develop a capital programme of park improvements for Central Park, Eastbrookend Country Park and Parsloes Park.