Issue - meetings

The Children and Families Act: Framework

Meeting: 29/07/2014 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 20)

20 The Children and Families Act pdf icon PDF 99 KB

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Jackie Ross, SEN Consultant, LBBD, presented the report and reminded the Board that since October 2013 there had been two revised version of the Act before it became law in March 2014.  In April 2014 there had been significant changes introduced in the new statutory guidance ‘Special educational needs and Disability code of practice 0-25 years’ and this new code would replace the existing SEN Code of Practice on 1 September 2014.  The new Act and statutory guidance in the code would have significant service delivery implications for all partners and also increased post 16 to 25 support arrangements in regards to health, social care, adult services and education.  Other changes meant that young people could ask for an Education, Health and Care assessment and would have the right to assessment whist in custody.


As part of the duty to engage with the local community and support the parents and young people work had been undertaken with stakeholders and external forums, including the BAD Youth Forum.  The Parent Partnership will be re-commissioned to input parent voice into the specifications and quality assurance for the bids.  The community engagement, including that undertaken for the Local Offer, has become recommended by the DfE as an exemplar of good practice.  Ms Ross confirmed that the Local Offer and Education Health and Care Planning is on course and ready for 1 September implementation.  As part of this the Borough was publishing on its website its perspective on the Act requirements and there would also be interactive website section for stakeholders and service users.


The Education, Health and Care Plans had been developed in partnership with parents and were being trialled in readiness for the 1 September.  A training programme to support staff with implementation was already underway.  Work in relation to transition to adulthood and joint commissioning had still to be taken forward as there were a number of gaps in providing information to young people though the health stream.


Councillor Carpenter raised the issue of the additional work that needed to secure some aspects of health engagement, particularly in regard to the need for significant awareness raising with GPs and others, and pointed the Board to the concerns set out in section 4 of the report in regards to underdeveloped joint commissioning.  Sharon Morrow, Chief Operating Officer, B&D CCG, advised that the governance used for adults would also suit the needs of children.  Ms Morrow also advised that a recent workshop had been held and children and maternity had identified work for the coming 12 months.  In addition, GP clinical leads would be raising awareness with GPs.


The Board received the report and, to enable compliance with the Children and Families Act, agreed:


(i)  To support the current draft version of the ‘special educational needs and disability code of practice 0-25 years’ which we are directed by the DfE to use as statutory guidance.

(ii)  The Board also noted:


(a)  Full implementation was required by 1 September 2014 and the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20