Issue - meetings

Life Study - new UK birth cohort study

Meeting: 28/10/2014 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 62)

62 Life Study - new UK birth cohort study pdf icon PDF 94 KB

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Professor Carol Dezateux presented the report and presentation and advised that, rather than a being a snapshot study, the Life Study would follow the life course of a statistically significant number of the population from conception.  The results, as they occur, will assist in the development of future government and local polices.  The size of the study was robust enough to not be effected by drop out of participants over the decades.  Professor Dezateux went on to explain the methodology of the study and how ONS data labs would be used to assess bias and how participants would be chosen to ensure a diverse cross section of the population was achieved.  Consent would be given by the parents for the participation of the unborn child.  Work was also being undertaken with NELFT about picking up the second and third years of life in the community and different communication models. 


In response to a question from Councillor Carpenter the Professor confirmed that payment would not be given to individuals for their participation, but reasonable travel expenses would be met.


BHRUT was the first NHS trust to join the study and a Life Study Centre was opening imminently at King George’s Hospital. 


Helen Jenner, Corporate Director of Children’s Services indicated that if the Life Study Team wished to attend appropriate forums that could be arranged.


In response to a question from Councillor Butt, Cabinet Member for Crime and Enforcement, Professor Dezateux advised that about a fifth of the children to be followed would be from LBBD, this was around 16,000 children. 


Dr John suggested that the Study should be raised at the GP Forum in order that they could advise potential cohorts about the study, so that people are more likely to participate if approached.  The Professor advised that she was currently looking at the ’flag code’ on patient’s records to enable GPs to know that a particular patient was participating in the Life Study.


The Chair advised that there were a large number of events arranged to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the LBBD, and the majority of these would have a health basis.  Details would be provided to Professor Dezateux so that should she or her team wish they could attend those events to make the public aware of the Life Study.


Professor Dezateux advised that she would be happy to attend any Forums or events and would be guided by the CCG and Council where the best impact could be achieved for the local area. 


Family members attending sessions and /or acting as interpreters was not considered the best methodology as it could inhibit truthful responses due to embarrassment, fear or lack of understanding. 


The Board noted the report, in particular:


(i)  The development of the strategic relationship between Life Study and BHRUT;


(ii)  The benefits delivered via the integrated delivery model;


(iii)  The impact of the ‘in kind benefits’ to the study; and


(iv)  The Board would also welcome information or presentations of findings to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 62

Meeting: 09/09/2014 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 40)

40 Life Study - New UK Birth Cohort Study pdf icon PDF 96 KB


Deferred to 28 October 2014 meeting