Issue - meetings

Contract: Gateway and Recovery Drug Treatment Services - Request to Tender

Meeting: 09/09/2014 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 48)

48 Contract: Gateway and Recovery Drug Treatment Services - Request to Tender pdf icon PDF 113 KB


The Council had provision in place for drug treatment services, two of those contracts would expire in March 2015.  Due to future funding possibilities, the contract period for the new contact would be from April 2015 to March 2017, with potential to extend to March 2019.  The contact value over the potential four years for the new contract would be in the order of £5m.  The report also provided details and proposals for the new contract, including tendering and assessment criteria. 


Councillor Turner brought to the Boards attention the statement in section 2.7 of the report in regard to the projected reduction of on-costs to the Council by £2.50 per £1.00 invested.  Councillor Turner raised concern about how the figures had been arrived at and commented that if such statements are made then the underlying data must be robust and the savings genuinely achievable.


The Board:


(i)  Agreed that the Council proceeds with the re-procurement of the Gateway Service, as set out in the report;


(ii)  Agreed that the Council proceeds with the re-procurement of the Recovery Service, as set out in the report; and,


(iii)  Delegated authority to the Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services to conduct the procurement in accordance with the procurement strategy set out in this report, and award the contract, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, to the successful bidders.