Issue - meetings

Care City

Meeting: 04/08/2014 - Cabinet (Item 12)

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The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health presented a report on the Care City proposals being jointly progressed by the Council and the North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT).


Cabinet Members spoke in support of what was considered to be an exciting and ground-breaking initiative that was primarily aimed at improving the health outcomes of local residents.  Other key outcomes included contributing to the regeneration of Barking Town Centre, creating a high quality research centre for dementia care and other long-term conditions and developing new opportunities for education and employment for local people who wanted to work in the health and social care sector. 


The Cabinet Member for Education and Schools commented that the Adult College would be a willing partner in the Education and Skills Escalator.  The Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care suggested that Unison should also be approached as a potential stakeholder in the project in view of its considerable work to enhance the care profession.


It was noted that the location and funding proposals for the project were covered in more detail in the “Abbey Sports Centre Site - Future Use” report later on the agenda.


Cabinet resolved:


(i)  To note the partnership agreement and initial funding arrangements entered into by the Health and Wellbeing Board in respect of Care City; and


(ii)  To support the further development of Care City in Barking and its contribution to the wider regeneration of the Town Centre.