Issue - meetings

Learning Disabilities Section 75 - Update

Meeting: 09/09/2014 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 45)

45 Learning Disabilities Section 75 - Update pdf icon PDF 100 KB


Glynis Rogers, Divisional Director of Adult and Community Services presented the report and updated the Board on the arrangements that had been negotiated with the CCG in regards to the main body of the Sections 75 agreement, the schedules and funding requirements.  Glynis also gave assurance that the users and carer groups and the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board were fully involved in the consultations.


The Board noted the report and:


(i)  The Section 75 agreement had still not been signed;


(ii)  The Joint Commissioner had now been recruited and would be in post in October 2014;


(iii)   The intention was to set up a shadow system between January and April; and,


(iv)  An update would be presented to the Board at its 9 December meeting.