Issue - meetings

Temporary Accommodation Placement Policy

Meeting: 27/01/2015 - Cabinet (Item 87)

87 Temporary Accommodation Placements Policy pdf icon PDF 89 KB

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Following on from the above, the Cabinet Member for Housing presented the draft Temporary Accommodation Placements Policy which explained how the Council would meet its statutory obligations to homeless individuals and families and, in particular, the criteria in respect of out of borough placements.


During the discussions, Members raised issues relating to:


Ø  The proposed 1½ hour maximum travel time for out of borough placements involving households with children in education or those in permanent and settled employment.  It was suggested that the maximum limit should be 1 hour, in line with the current assessment criteria referred to in the previous report.

Ø  The need for the policy document to be assessed against the Plain English crystal mark.

Ø  The need for further analysis of the standard and quality of accommodation, demand factors and issues relating to placements from other London Boroughs.

Ø  The need for a holistic approach to temporary accommodation placements.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Approve the implementation of the Temporary Accommodation Placements Policy set out at Appendix A to the report, subject to the amendment of the travel time relating to children in education being reduced to a maximum of one hour in line with the conditions applicable to homeless placements;


(ii)  Note the Placements Procedure and Equalities Impact Assessment set out at Appendices B and C to the report respectively; and


(iii)  Request officers to report back within three months on the issues raised at the meeting concerning:


·  The standard and quality of temporary accommodation provided;

·  The analysis of homelessness demand in the Borough;

·  The cooperation being achieved with other Boroughs on the placement of households in temporary accommodation in Barking and Dagenham.