Issue - meetings

Arrangements for Advocacy provision in 2015/16 and future years

Meeting: 17/03/2015 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 107)

107 Arrangements for Advocacy Provision in 2015/16 and Future Years pdf icon PDF 107 KB


Ian Winter CBE, Care Act Programme Lead, presented the report, which explained that the Care Act states that an independent advocate must be appointed to support and represent a person for the purpose of assisting their involvement in the care and support process where a person had substantial difficulty in being involved and had no appropriate individual to support them.  Ian Winter stressed the difference between general advocacy support and the more specific issues for those who would have communication difficulties. 


Ian Winter explained that the report set out the interim service provision for the first twelve months and the future from 2016 and how this would enable an understanding of service need and mechanisms to be put into place as well as the correct training to be undertaken in the market place.  The interim arrangements would also be monitored.


The Chair advised that both colleges in the Borough had been approached and Barking and Dagenham Adult College had already responded that it would be looking into provision of training.


In response to a question from Helen Jenner, Corporate Director of Children’s Services, Ian Winter CBE, Care Act Programme Lead, advised that further discussions were to be held with Children’s Services in due course on the statutory children’s mental health act advocacy needs.


The Board:


(i)  Noted that the current advocacy services would be extended for one year and brought up to ‘Care Act compliance’ from 1 April 2015 to enable the Council to achieve an interim position to comply with the requirements of the Care Act over the next 12 months and a review of services to ensure a longer term approach which will meet local need as required and ensure full Care Act compliance.


(ii)  Requested a report to the December Health and Wellbeing Board meeting on:


(a)  The use of individual advocacy covering the first six months of the extended service; and,


(b)  The options for a revised service approach from 1 April 2016.