Issue - meetings

0 - 5 Transfer of Health Visitors

Meeting: 17/03/2015 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 116)

116 Update on the preparation for transfer of the 0-5 year Healthy Child Programme (Health Visiting) Service and Family Nurse Partnership Programme from NHS England to London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. pdf icon PDF 94 KB


Matthew Cole, Director of Public Health and Kenny Gibson Head of Early Years, Immunisations & Military Health NHS England (London Region) jointly presented the report. 


Matthew Cole advised that the original bid put to NHS England had been for £369,000 however they had only agreed to meet 55% of that bid, however that £202,950 (£405,900 full year effect) would take the allocation to circa £5.2m per annum.  Matthew Cole indicated that it was his view that this was the best deal that we could obtain at present.  Helen Jenner agreed but added that we still needed to keep lobbying because of the growth needs of the Borough and the decision had been based upon data that was two years old.


Matthew Cole indicated that due diligence was needed in regards to service plans and they needed to be focused upon the priority areas. 


Kenny Gibson explained the process of moving 0-5 services to the boroughs had been complex and drew the Board’s attention to page 466 of the agenda and particularly paragraph 3.4.  The model used to set out the transfer terms was two years old and was not near the contemporary status, especially when families are moving into the area to benefit from the lower housing costs.  ACRA would be undertaking a needs assessment to realign where young families and children are actually located.  Kenny Gibson confirmed that NHS England would not provide any further resources and was not in a position to offer additional funding, over-and-above, that which has already been allocated by the DH Allocation process and DH Floor Adjustment.



The Board wished to place on record its appreciation to all involved in the work in transferring the services.


The Chair commented that we would continue to lobby because of the speed of change and increase in child numbers in the borough.  The Chair said that she would recommend that we sign the transfer agreement.


Having received the update on the preparation for transfer of the 0-5 year Healthy Child Programme (Health Visiting) Service and Family Nurse Partnership Programme from NHS England to London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, the Board


(i)  Noted the contract position in principal for the transition for the 0-5 commissioning arrangements and that a further report will be presented on this issue in due course.


(ii)  Noted the additional £202,950 funding which had been agreed.


(iii)  Agreed to formally accept /sign the transfer of the 0-5 year Healthy Child Programme (Health Visiting) Service and Family Nurse Partnership Programme from NHS England to London Borough of Barking and Dagenham.