Issue - meetings

Revisions to the Care and Support Charging Policy

Meeting: 10/11/2015 - Cabinet (Item 61)

61 Care and Support Charging Policy pdf icon PDF 124 KB


Further to Minute 104 (16 February 2015), the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health presented a report on plans to consult on proposed revisions to the Council’s Care and Support Charging Policy in respect of elements of discretionary charges permitted under the Care Act 2014.


The Cabinet Member explained that it had always been the intention to review the Council’s policy within 12 months because of the impending introduction by the Government of a cap on care costs from April 2016.  However, following strong concerns expressed by, amongst others, the Local Government Association regarding the timetable for implementation and pressures on adult social care, the Government had decided to delay the implementation until April 2020.  With that in mind, the review of the Council’s policy had been focussed on the appropriateness of the discretionary aspects of the Charging Policy as follows:


·  Disability Related Expenditure (DRE) Disregard - the intention was for the DRE disregard to remain unchanged from the levels approved by the Cabinet in February 2015;

·  Charges to carers who were eligible to support - the principle of introducing a charging regime which reflected the important role that carers played in supporting others to remain healthy, independent and less reliant on more expensive health and social care services, whilst also recognising the need to apply a fair and equitable policy for all.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Agree that the Council consults on proposed revisions to the Care and Support Charging Policy in the following areas where discretion can be applied:


·  The level of the disability related expenditure (DRE) disregard automatically applied to the financial assessment;

·  The principle of charging for care and support services provided to carers who meet the eligibility criteria for services in their own right.


(ii)  Note that a further report shall be presented to the Cabinet in February 2016 advising on the outcome of the public consultation and, if appropriate, presenting a revised draft Care and Support Charging Policy for approval.