Issue - meetings

Care Act Update

Meeting: 08/09/2015 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 19)

19 The Care Act 2014: Cap on Care Costs Deferred Until 2020 pdf icon PDF 51 KB


Ian Winter, Care Act Programme Lead, presented the report, and explained that the Local Government Association (LGA) had written to the Government calling for a delay in the implementation of the cap on care costs system, which had been due to come into effect in April 2016.  The Government had responded on 17 July to say that it had decided to delay the implementation until 2020.  As a result the status quo would be maintained, which would include the means testing of an individual’s ability to pay.  The detail of the announcement, the reasons for delaying phase two of the Care Act and the effect that this would have on the local implementation programme were set out in the report.


The Board raised a number of issues, including:


·  Independent Appeals Process.

·  The Chair wished to investigate with officers the feasibility of an internal LBBD appeals process, which would be outside of the complaints process, and would report back to the Board on this in due course.

·  The financial implications on the care costs under the Act were still highly significant.

·  Effects of the financial changes and that further information on funding for winter 2015/16 was anticipated.

·  Existing care packages were being reviewed.

·  80/90% of costs are outside care provision.  As staff in the care industry were traditionally low paid, this cost would be affected by the minimum wage changes.


Bruce Morris, Divisional Director Adult Social Care, was asked to provide Councillor Bill Turner, Cabinet Member of Children’s Services and Social Care, with the data, set out by ward, on the number of individuals that were worse off under the assessments so far.


The Board noted the delay in the implementation of phase two of the Care Act and the implications for the local Care Act implementation programme.