Issue - meetings

Barking and Dagenham Better Care Fund Progress Report

Meeting: 08/12/2015 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 50)

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Sharon Morrow, Chief Operating Officer, Barking and Dagenham CCG, presented the report and gave an outline of the progress on 11 Better Care Fund (BCF) schemes, work that was being undertaken to align with services locally and integrated case management. 


The Board considered a number of points, including:


·  The progress on the Joint Assessment Discharge (JAD) Unit and noted that this was now operating seven day working and the hosting arrangements had been completed. 


·  One of the key performance monitors was the re-admissions to hospital rates and currently this was 680 above plan: although it was felt that there may be an element of double counting in ambulatory care.  The national reduction in readmissions target had been 3.0% but a 2.5% target had been agreed by the Board earlier in the year.  However, the 2.5% reduction in re-admissions rate had not been achieved locally and as a result there would be financial penalties in the order of £710,000 for the CCG, which would partly be off-set by £330,000 that had been carried forward from last year.  The CCG and Council would be undertaking an analysis as to why the 2.5% target was not achieved and in particular what was driving the re-admission rates up for the 40 to 60 age group.  Work was being undertaken with GPs to produce care plans that would reduce the number of emergency re-admissions.


·  It was noted that winter pressures also had an impact on the admissions to residential care figures.


·  The injury from falls target had improved during 2013/14 but performance in the first quarter had dipped slightly, therefore, this area was being monitored closely.


·  There were difficulties in achieving targets when the ‘goal posts’ were changed by the Government / NHS England during the period.


The Board:


 (i)  Noted the latest information on delivery of the Better Care Fund, as set out in the report, and the steps that were being taken to address underperformance;


(ii)  Noted the proposed continuation of the Better Care Fund into 2016/17 and that, on behalf of the Board, the Joint Executive Management Committee would  be considering the approach to the Better Care Fund refresh for the next year; and


(iii)  Requested a report in March or April 2016 to update the Board on performance levels and to inform any necessary actions by Partners.