Issue - meetings

Barking & Dagenham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Commissioning Intentions and 2016/17 Planning Round: Interim Update

Meeting: 08/12/2015 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 46)

46 Barking & Dagenham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Commissioning Intentions pdf icon PDF 248 KB


Sharon Morrow, Chief Operating Officer, Barking and Dagenham CCG, presented the report and advised that the CCG refreshed its plans on an annual basis to take into account changes to local needs and their annual financial allocation.  The CCG were currently in the business planning cycle and this included engagement with their Partners.  Whilst the CCG had still not received guidance from NHS England, it was looking towards a longer-term approach and the transformation of services over the next three to five years.  Sharon outlined the CCG intentions, which would need to take into account a number of factors, these included the ‘Right Care Programme’ and continuation of the Better Care Fund plan.  Mental Health continued to be a priority with a new focus on child and adolescent mental health services and eating disorder services.  CCG plans included addressing the needs of vulnerable children.  A review of paediatric therapy services was being undertaken to inform the commissioning of services for children with a special educational need and disabilities (SEND).  Cancer was a key priority and a themed discussion on this was planned for the 26 January 2016 Board meeting.  The CCG was also committed to the transformation of primary care services and was planning a workshop for members in January 2016.  Other commissioning intentions included increasing the utilisation of Barking Birthing Centre, antenatal care, stroke care and pathways. 


Councillor Turner asked if the CCG would be investing in paediatric speech and language therapy services (SALT) as recommended in the Healthwatch review.  Sharon confirmed that CCG investment was subject to a business case being approved by the CCG Governing Body and this would be informed by the review. 


Councillor Carpenter asked what changes had been made to improve early intervention in psychosis.  Sharon confirmed that the CCG had made additional investment in the service and was working with NELFT to develop and review the services provided by them including, increasing capacity, changes following NICE guidelines revisions, and improved information and treatment pathways.


The Board discussed the points within Sir Stephen Bubb’s Report (Chapter 2), which related to a ‘radical prevention’ in the health agenda and how that could be made clearer in commissioning. The CCG confirmed that it would consider this when the national planning guidance was received from NHS England.


Helen Jenner, Director of Children’s Services, raise the issue of SEND children and how the Ofsted Inspections and the children and their families needed to be taken into account,  Sharon confirmed that issues such as therapy and specific local needs would be fed into the CCG Strategies.  It was noted that consultation would need to be undertaken with children and young people to get their feedback and views on the services provided for them.


Steve Norman, Barking and Dagenham Borough Commander, London Fire Brigade (LFB), raised the issue of fire risk for vulnerable people.  The highest risk of fire incidents were known to occur to those with mobility problems or dementia and particularly those that smoked.  Discussion was held in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46