Issue - meetings

Health and Wellbeing Board Performance Report 2015/16 - Quarter 2

Meeting: 26/01/2016 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 64)

64 Health and Wellbeing Performance Report 2015/16 - Quarter 2 pdf icon PDF 276 KB

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Matthew Cole, presented the report and drew the Board’s attention to the performance details set out in the report.


The Board discussed a number of issues including:


·  Urgent Care and the improved A&E performance locally, which had achieved 90% of people seen within four hours.  Work was ongoing to achieve the 95% target.

·  CQC Inspections for BHRUT, London Ambulance Service and Maternity Services at Homerton Hospital.

·  The review of GP practices, four of which were rated as good.  Two had been rated as needing improvement, although this was primarily around the need to improve processes, and work was being undertaken by the CCG and the practices involved to address the issues.

·  Immunisations.

·  TB rates.

·  Mental health services including, CAMHS access and waiting times, Care Programme Approach and the IAPT standards and targets.

·  Health Check Performance.

·  Teenage Pregnancy rates, which locally were now the same as the London Average.

·  Looked after children’s health checks were now on an annual plan and this was on track to achieve target.

·  The need for clarity of responsibility / ‘ownership’ for the delivery of a required improvement.


The Board:


(i)  Noted the overarching dashboard;


(ii)  Noted the detail provided on specific indicators, and remedial actions being taken to sustain good performance;

(iii)  Noted the areas where new data was available and the implications of this data; specifically, the immunisation uptake, under 18 conception rate, Chlamydia screening, smoking quitters, NHS Health Check, permanent admissions of older people to residential and nursing care homes, delayed transfers of care, A&E attendance and Care Quality Commission Inspections;


(iv)  Requested that a named individual be listed against each performance indicator, in order to improve the clarity on ‘ownership’ for the delivery of a required improvement; and


(v)  Welcomed the offer from the London Ambulance Service (LAS) to present to the Board the LAS Quality Improvement Plan, which was in response to the CQC assessment of the LAS as inadequate.