Issue - meetings

Debt Management Performance and Write-Offs 2016/17 (Quarter 2)

Meeting: 13/12/2016 - Cabinet (Item 79)

79 Debt Management Performance and Write-Offs 2016/17 (Quarter 2) pdf icon PDF 104 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Finance, Growth and Investment introduced the performance report for the second quarter of the 2016/17 financial year in respect of the debt management function carried out by the Revenues and Benefits Service within Elevate East London.


The Cabinet Member advised that the performance of Elevate was predominantly positive against the stretched targets, with more money being collected in real terms during 2016/17 despite the challenges that many residents and businesses faced as a consequence of the Government’s austerity measures.  In that regard, the Cabinet Member referred to the Council Tax Hardship Fund that the Council had created to support those most in need.


It was noted that Housing Benefit overpayment debt currently stood at approximately £21m.  The Cabinet Member for Finance, Growth and Investment outlined the main reasons for the majority of the debt and referred to the recent discussions on the subject at both the Assembly and the Public Accounts and Audit Select Committee.  It was also pointed out that while the number of applicants for Housing Benefit had been relatively consistent over the years at between 21,000 to 23,000 per annum, there had been an 80% increase in the volume of applications handled by the service of late owing to claimants having to regularly update their circumstances due to the complexity of the Government’s welfare system and a considerable increase in the number employed on zero-hour contracts.


The Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Note the performance of the debt management function carried out by the Revenues and Benefits service operated by Elevate East London, including the performance of enforcement agents; and


(ii)  Note the debt write-offs for the second quarter of 2016/17.