Issue - meetings

Ambition 2020 and Growth Commission Proposals - Outcome of Public Consultation

Meeting: 19/07/2016 - Cabinet (Item 21)

21 Ambition 2020 Transformation Programme - Response to Consultation pdf icon PDF 119 KB

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The Leader of the Council introduced a report on proposals to re-shape the Council and the way in which services were provided through the Ambition 2020 transformation programme. 


Public consultation on the proposals was launched in April and concluded in June.  During that time, the Council received over 200 responses from individuals, community organisations and local businesses while more than 2,000 attended staff road shows.


Analysis of the feedback showed that over 90% were supportive the Council’s future plans, although it was noted that many respondents questioned the suggestion that the ‘Digital By Design’ premise would necessarily improve the customer experience and could unduly affect the elderly and vulnerable who did not have access to the internet.  The Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health Integration responded that she recognised that there would always be a need to maintain face-to-face contact for some although studies showed that the vast majority of residents did have access to the internet.


Cabinet Members commended the report for its detail and endorsed the direction that the Council was taking, which in their view was far more than merely responding to the Government’s austerity measures and represented new ways of working to deliver services underpinned by growth.  The Leader commented that had the Council not embarked on the Ambition 2020 programme it was likely that up to one-third of the Council’s workforce could have been lost.  It was also noted that the Council’s approach and direction had been supported by Cabinet Office officials during a recent visit to the Borough.


The Leader explained that the proposals under the Ambition 2020 programme would be taken forward individually and a timetable would soon be published for more detailed discussions with staff and the Trade Unions regarding the implementation of the changes to existing services.


The Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Note the responses to the public consultation, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report;


(ii)  Note the feedback from staff in response to the staff road shows and briefings, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report;


(iii)  Confirm the future shape of the Council and that officers should implement the service design proposals as set out in the consultation document and noted that, where necessary, proposals would be referred to Cabinet for further approval of key decisions in accordance with the Council’s Constitution and scheme of delegation; and


(iv)  Note that further consultation with staff and Unions would take place as each service design proposal was developed, in accordance with the Council’s procedure for managing change.