Issue - meetings

North East London Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) Update

Meeting: 26/07/2016 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 30)

30 Update on North East London Sustainability and Transformation Plan (NEL STP) pdf icon PDF 110 KB

Appendices B and C to the report are in the exempt section of the agenda at Item 17

Additional documents:


Councillor Turner left the meeting during this item.


Conor Burke reminded the Board of the context of the North East London Sustainability and Transformation Plan (NEL STP) and drew the Board’s attention to a number of issues, including:


·  The Plan had been submitted on 30 June but it could not be published as it was still in development. 

·  NEL area was facing challenges on a number of health outcomes. 

·  Outturn would be measured against the previous agreed Plan.

·  The next steps, set out in the report, had already been progressed within BHRUT, However, other local authorities in NEL needed to progress actions.

·  There could be at least a £850m shortfall between anticipated provision costs and funding if we did nothing.  This would not be sustainable and the ‘do something’ approach was essential to meet the growing demands.  Whilst significant productivity challenges had been achieved over several years, such improvements were increasingly difficult to find and they would no longer offer a long-term solution.  It was now necessary to do more to meet future demand but more importantly it would require providers and service users to do things differently. 

·  To meet the challenges, the Business Case for the BHR Accountable Care Organisation (ACO) and the LBBD Ambition 2020 were linked.

·  The details provided on the strategy for residents’ looking after themselves, the primary care approach, the two major hospitals delivering their required savings, the place based care system(s) and localities, which would allow micro, rather than borough level, care and pathways to treatment.


The Chair highlighted that the STP process has no sign-off for local councils of the strategy and policy, despite the recognition that the STP needs to closely involve councils. The Chair raised a concern at the disparity in this apparent need to involve councils but not give them any say over the final product.  Ceri Jacobs advised that a similar message was coming through from many councils.  It was clear that the public sector needed to come together to jointly delivery sustainable change.  Ceri agreed to take the concerns raised back to NHS England.


The Board discussed a number of issues, including the national framework, gaps in resources, who would be handed responsibility for funding, for example would it be shared with all local councils or with the CCG and.  Conor said that he expected the funding will be recycled from many places.  The Chair said she felt it was very important that the Treasury invested in the devolution, via ACOs and STPs, in order to allow the organisational set-up required and service changes be put into place to accrue the savings.  The Board felt that the whole issue of funding and programme of funding needed to be much clearer and more robust.


Mark Tyson LBBD Commissioning Director, Adult’s Care and Support, suggested that the Local Government Association facilitated borough based STP workshops would be a good opportunity explore the issues raised in more depth.


The Board:


(i)  Provided feedback to the NEL STP Team  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30