Issue - meetings

Procurement of Modular Buildings Systems Framework Agreement

Meeting: 18/10/2016 - Cabinet (Item 57)

57 Procurement of a Modular Building Systems Framework Agreement pdf icon PDF 101 KB


The Cabinet Member for Finance, Growth and Investment presented a report relating to the procurement of new framework agreements for the supply and installation of modular building systems.


The Cabinet Member advised that modular building systems were commonly used as part of school expansion projects and often resulted in reduced construction costs and time delays.  It was further noted that the new framework agreements would be made available to other local authorities and organisations across the area.


The Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Agree to proceed with the procurement of framework agreements for the supply and installation of modular building systems, in accordance with the strategy set out in the report; and


(ii)  Delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Growth and Homes, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Growth and Investment, the Strategic Director of Finance and Investment and the Director of Law and Governance, to award the Framework Agreements to the successful tenderer(s) once a compliant procurement exercise had been conducted, in accordance with the strategy set out in the report.