Issue - meetings

Local Implementation Plan 2017/18 Funding Submission

Meeting: 22/02/2017 - Assembly (Item 62)

62 2017/18 Local Implementation Plan Funding Submission pdf icon PDF 108 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Economic and Social Development presented a report to the Assembly on the 2017/18 Local Implementation Plan Funding Submission.


The Local Implementation Plan (LIP) was the Councils transport strategy and delivery plan for improvements to the transport network in the borough. 


The Cabinet Member advised that the Council had been asked to submit a transitional one-year spending plan for 2017/18 while Transport for London (TfL) developed a new Transport Strategy for London which reflected the new Mayor’s priorities.  The proposed programme of investment focused on:


·  Tackling existing road safety, congestion and accessibility issues in Thames View and on Thames Road, River Road and Renwick Road;

·  Continuing the programme of public realm improvements in Barking Town Centre;

·  Studies to inform future LIP schemes at Gale Street, the Wood Lane/Rainham Road roundabout and the High Road/Whalebone Lane junction;

·  A review of the Heathway between Church Elm Lane and Parsloes Avenue;

·  Funding for road safety schemes across the borough, including where necessary plans for improvements outside all borough primary schools;

·  Funding for cycle training and school travel planning; and

·  Funding to determine feasibility and costs of a Barking to Stratford direct rail link.


The Assembly welcomed the LIP, particularly in relation to school traffic and asked that Cabinet Member consider the restriction of traffic lights in built up areas, such as The Heathway, to avoid long traffic queues. 


The Assembly resolved to approve the 2017/18 Local Implementation Plan funding submission to Transport for London, as set out at Appendix 1 to the report.


Meeting: 13/02/2017 - Cabinet (Item 100)

100 2017/18 Local Implementation Plan Funding Submission pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Economic and Social Development introduced a report on the proposed funding application to Transport for London (TfL) to support plans for a range of transport and cycling network enhancement schemes as well as various road safety projects in the Borough during 2017/18.


The Cabinet Member referred to the key projects within the £2.126m funding bid for 2017/18 and advised that in addition to the number of road safety improvements outside of primary schools, surveys would be carried out at all primary school locations in the Borough to ensure that adequate safety arrangements were in place in view of the phasing out of the school crossing patrol service.


The Cabinet resolved to recommend the Assembly to approve the 2017/18 Local Implementation Plan funding submission to Transport for London, as set out at Appendix 1 to the report.