Issue - meetings

Children and Young People Mental Health Transformation Strategy

Meeting: 22/11/2016 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 50)

50 Children and Young People Mental Health Transformation Strategy - Plans Refresh 2016 pdf icon PDF 173 KB

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Sharon Morrow, Chief Operating Officer, Barking and Dagenham CCG, presented the report and explained that NHS England had requested that the Plan, published in December 2015, was refreshed and resubmitted by 31 October 2016.  Therefore, the report was to provide the Board with an overview of the refreshed Plans submitted by the CCG for LBBD. 


Sharon advised that the refreshed Plan did not change the strategic direction or vision set out in the 2015 issue.  However, since the LTP was published in 2015 the local CCG had been able to develop a deeper understanding of the population’s needs and local priorities, which had led to the development of plans to improve emotional health and resilience in children and young people at risk of developing mental health conditions, as well as improving access to those already diagnosed with a mental health condition.  Sharon advised that the Transformation Fund of £522,000 was committed to priority work streams and the proposed expenditure plans for those was set out in section 3 of the report.


The Board was advised of the engagement work that had been undertaken with young people, including focus meetings and assessment with the BAD Youth Forum, and that the CAMHS plans refresh was also being used to inform future actions.  The work streams had also resulted in closer working with NHS England on CAMHS.  It was noted that new national guidance was expected shortly.


Cllr Carpenter drew the Boards attention to agenda page 69 and raised the issues of whether one social worker would be sufficient to cover over 60 schools and if the intended resources would be sufficient for looked after children.  Sharon advised that looked after children support was a new post and a review would be undertaken in due course to check capacity.  It was noted that further details would be provided to all Board Members.  It was also noted that the NELFT resources were a start position and would also be reviewed in due course. 


The Board discussed several issues including, the impact of early intervention and the effect that such intervention could have on reducing damage for the most needy young people and children, the use of commissioning to improve targeting and services.  The CCG accepted that the services may have felt fragmented, but now felt the new commissioning could result in a positive change.


Sara Baker again drew the Board’s attention to the potential to work with the LSCB and joint working on the mental health support needs that emanate from child sexual exploitation and abuse, particularly to take advantage of joint funding opportunities.


The Board:


(i)  Noted the progress made on the delivery the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Transformation Plan (CYP MH TP) and the new challenges that have arisen;


(ii)  Noted the contents of the refreshed plans:


(iii)  Noted that additional information would be provided directly to all Board members in relation to mental health resources support in schools and for looked after children; and


(iv)   Noted the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 50