Issue - meetings

Draft Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy 2017-2020

Meeting: 25/04/2017 - Cabinet (Item 115)

115 Gambling Act 2005: Draft Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy 2017 - 2020 Consultation pdf icon PDF 96 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety presented the draft Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy for 2017-2020 which set out the principles by which the Council would discharge its responsibilities, as licensing authority, in relation to gaming and betting under the Gambling Act 2005.


The Cabinet Member advised that the updated policy reflected the Council’s serious concerns at the impact that a further growth in provision may have on the most vulnerable and ‘at risk’ areas of the Borough.  The draft policy set out the Council’s position, therefore, that all areas deemed to be at high overall risk of gambling-related harm would be inappropriate for further gambling establishments and operators asked not to consider locating new premises or relocating existing premises within those areas.  The draft policy also set out the considerations that the Council would have when determining applications for gambling premises licences and the types of controls the Council would expect to see in place at licensed gambling establishments.


Cabinet Members spoke in support of the enhancements in the draft policy and the Leader spoke of the Council’s ambition to improve the retail offer in town centre / high street areas.


The Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety confirmed that the draft policy would be subject to a 12-week public consultation before being represented to the Cabinet and submitted to the Assembly for adoption.


The Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Approve the draft Barking and Dagenham Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy for 2017-2020, as et out at Appendix A to the report, for public consultation; and


(ii)  Note that a further report would be presented to Cabinet on the outcome of the public consultation and seeking endorsement of the final Policy prior to its submission to the Assembly.