Issue - meetings

Flooding Strategy

Meeting: 19/09/2017 - Cabinet (Item 40)

40 Local Flood Risk Management Strategy pdf icon PDF 102 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene introduced the Council’s Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, which formed part of the Council’s statutory obligations under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.


The Cabinet Member advised that there were an estimated 11,000+ properties across the Borough at risk of surface water flooding or flooding from ordinary watercourses and a key aim of the Strategy was to establish a long-term vision to reduce the likelihood and detrimental consequences of flooding.  The Strategy set out plans to provide support and direction for local residents, businesses and other stakeholders to understand the risks and offered best practice advice to reduce the risk of flooding. 


The Cabinet Member confirmed that the Strategy had been subject to widespread consultation with neighbouring Boroughs, the Environment Agency and Thames Water and would be refreshed over time to reflect changes in best practice and other appropriate updates.


In response to the point that the Council should ensure that drains and culverts were kept clear to reduce the risk of flooding, the Leader advised that lessons had been learnt from previous cuts to that service and additional funding had been made available.  The Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene also advised that she had taken on board a suggestion from the Cabinet Member for Corporate Performance and Delivery and would be working with officers and ward Councillors to develop ward-specific analysis and action plans.


With regard to the recent burst main pipe in Thames ward and the poor response to the incident by Thames Water, the Operational Director for Enforcement Services outlined the steps being taken and agreed to keep the ward Councillors updated on the issue.


The Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Adopt the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan at Appendix A to the report; and


(ii)  Authorise the Operational Director of Enforcement Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene, to make any appropriate amendments to the documents arising from best practice initiatives or valid representations from the general public and/or risk management authority partners.