Issue - meetings

Sustainability and Transformation Plan Update and Partnership Agreement

Meeting: 08/11/2017 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 40)

40 Sustainability and Transformation Plan Update and Partnership Agreement pdf icon PDF 78 KB

The appendices to this item are included in the ‘Supporting Documents’ pack.

Additional documents:


Ian Tompkins, Director of Communications and Engagement, East London Health and Care Partnership (ELHCP), presented the report which provided an update on the development of the ELHCP and the Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP). 


Ian advised that as a Partnership, the ELHCP would be responding to the Mayor of London’s Health Inequalities Strategy and he would take some of the comments made at the Board tonight back for consideration and inclusion in their response to the Mayor of London. 


The Board’s attention was drawn to page 55 of the agenda and the implications and current position for local devolution, transformation and integration and how the 2017-19 Integration and Better Care Fund would have a staged approach over the next two years to ensure that strong and established governance arrangements support meaningful integration and innovation.  A Partnership Agreement had now been developed for the ELHCP, which it was intended would develop and implement the NEL STP.  It was hoped that this Agreement will provided common understanding and commitment between the partner organisations on the range, principles and processes and objectives of the governance arrangements, which will support the development and implementation of the STP. 


Ian drew the Board’s attention to page 79 of the support papers pack and advised that meetings had now been set up with Healthwatch.  Workshops would also be held with the voluntary and charity section to see how that important network can be strengthened and feedback from this and the housing conference in Dagenham, would be shared with the Board in due course.  Other concerns such as maternity provision, emergency care and attracting and training of the workforce, and the sharing of ideas were noted.


In response to a question from Cllr Carpenter about the role of the Health and Wellbeing Boards in the structure, the Chair advised that the boards are a statutory requirement and the ELHCP has to work with the seven separate Boards. The Chair reminded the Board that the wish to have elected representative(s) involved in the ELHCP structure had already been raised on numerous occasions.  Ian explained that Appendix 3, in the support papers pack, showed the current structure and gave an assurance that the Health and Wellbeing Boards will be part of the new structure as they have both a statutory role and important local knowledge. 


The Board noted the update and that a further report would be provided in due course.