Issue - meetings

The Cancer Prevention, Awareness and Early Detection Scrutiny Review 2016/17

Meeting: 06/09/2017 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 21)

21 Cancer Prevention, Awareness and Early Detection Scrutiny Review 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 68 KB

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Cllr Bright, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Cohesion, arrived during this item.

Cllr Chand, Lead Member of Health and Adult Services Select Committee, Sue Lloyd, LBBD Consultant in Public Health and Kate Kavanagh, Cancer Commissioning Manager, NEL CSU, jointly presented the report.  Cllr Chand explained that the review had been undertaken as a result of the late diagnosis and below average survival rates that appeared to be occurring in the Borough.  Those higher than average rates seemed to have a direct correlation to residents’ lifestyle choices, individuals not going for diagnosis checks, not being aware of signs and symptoms that may indicate a health issue and not then getting those signs further investigated by their GPs.  This subsequently resulted in people not getting an early diagnosis and treatment and then needing more radical interventions.  Prevention was also important to prognosis the incidence of cancer occurring in the long-term. 


Sue Lloyd and Kate Kavanagh reminded the Board that four out of ten deaths from cancer are avoidable, and as part of their presentation they also drew attention to a number of issues including, the local incidence and survival rates locally against England averages, the prevention agenda, the Cancer Taskforce Strategy priorities and ambitions, methodologies, consultations with residents, healthy lifestyle programmes, improving pathways to treatment, the health checks programme, targeting of hard to reach groups for example strategies for learning and disability carers to increase those groups uptake of screening, the need to improve the risk register of individuals, and the new breast screening unit in the Borough.


Cllr Carpenter, Cabinet Member for Educational Attainment and School Improvement, raised the issue of the healthy weight video, which when ‘clicked’ seemed to take the you to text and was concerned that the written word was not always the answer or best way to encourage individuals.  Sue Lloyd and Kate Kavanagh agreed to look into the links on the website.


In response to a question from Cllr Carpenter, Dr Mohi advised that the specialist nurse was now in place to help GPs improve their practices and encourage screening take-up.  Dr Mohi stressed that the Borough was the most improved London borough for screening checks uptake.  Education sessions were also being undertaken by GPs to improve their clinical expertise in recognising signs and symptoms earlier. 


The Chair drew attention to the ‘’ website as a good site to visit. 


Melody Williams, NELFT, suggested that the Healthy Workplace Charter programme could be strengthened or extended to help larger and smaller employers encourage and engage their workforce in healthy lifestyles and screening. 


In response to a question from Cllr Turner, Cabinet Member for Corporate Performance and Delivery, in relation to the 60 to 70 age range for bowel screening invitation, it was noted that those over 70 are not automatically screened and would need to opt-in and ask for a test.  Kate Kavanagh agreed to look into the take-up rate for over 70s and would provide the details to Cllr Turner direct.


The Chair raised the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21