Issue - meetings

London Borough of Barking & Dagenham Tobacco Control Strategy

Meeting: 06/09/2017 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 22)

22 Tobacco Control Strategy: A Vision for Tobacco-Free Living pdf icon PDF 290 KB

The appendix to this item is included in the ‘Supporting Documents’ pack.

Additional documents:


Dr Fiona Wright, Consultant in Public Health, presented the report and explained that tobacco was one of the most significant ill health contributors in the Borough and the effects of smoking impacts upon all sectors of the community and at all ages.  The risks of smoking are well established and include heart and lung disease, cancers and asthma, ear infections in children and cot death in infants.  Smoking is the major factor in health inequality and accounts for half the difference in life expectancy between the lowest and highest income groups.  Smoking related illness is a significant resource drain on the NHS and it was estimated that each year in the Borough the cost to society was £52.8m.  In addition to this was the costs associated with social care, workplace and school absenteeism, house fires, removal of cigarette butts from streets and the crime associated with counterfeit tobacco etc.


The new Strategy had been based upon an understanding of the local prevalence of smoking and the risk groups, and the local smoking prevention resources.  The Strategy has been informed by the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and key national, regional and local strategies and best practice guidance.  A multi-agency workshop had also been held in June 2017. 


The Board discussed several issues including, the three-pronged approach set out in the report, future action being concentrated on high risk groups, including shisha usage, illegal ‘fake’ tobacco, those with mental health or other addiction issues, staff training, review of smoking in public places and in smoking prevention.  It was noted that it was also intended to refresh the Tobacco Control Alliance in order that Partners could be held accountable on the delivery of the Action Plan.


Cllr Turner asked why it had the word control rather than reduction in the title of the Strategy.  It was noted that it was for consistence, including with national documents.


The Chair commended the Strategy for concentrating on the prevention of smoking by young people, rather than concentrating on hardened smokers where cessation success would be harder to achieve.  The best health outcomes would be in stopping the habit starting, rather than stopping the habit later in life. 


Discussion was held on the need for signs to be placed outside all health sites asking people not to stand in the entrances whilst smoking.  It was agreed that all GP practices should be asked to have prominent signs at the entrance to their premises.  BHRUT and NELFT were asked to reinforce the no smoking principle on their estate.  Cllr Oluwole raised the issue of the practice of patients in wards being allowed to smoke.  Melody Williams explained the rational for allowing detained mental health patients to be safely escorted outside to exercise their choice to smoke and the risks of not doing this. 


Cllr Carpenter said that she had seen many reports with similar words over the years and wanted to know what would make a difference this time.  The Chair advised that this rather than trying  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22