Issue - meetings

Healthwatch: Programme of Work 2017/18

Meeting: 16/01/2018 - Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common) (Item 52)

52 Healthwatch: Programme of Work 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 101 KB

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Elspeth Paisley, Healthwatch Manager, introduced the report and gave a presentation that explained that LifeLine had taken over the local Healthwatch role in August 2017, the background to the staffing structure, including the recent appointment of Nathan Singleton as LifeLine CEO, and the skill sets of members of the Healthwatch Board. 


Elspeth drew attention to Healthwatch’s key aims for the rest of the year including, the need to raise the profile of Healthwatch, to increase public participation and feedback to the Board and partners. 


The work programme for the year would include:


  Enter wards / facilities & Views

  Signposting and referrals

  World Mental Health Day and other events

  Annual survey

  Consultations and Focus Groups


  Social / media presence, including Facebook and Twitter pages

  Enhanced website

  Volunteer Recruitment with the aim of one Healthwatch Champion per Council ward

  Dementia Project in association with the Memory Lane Centre

  Participation in various Partners meetings

  Partnership with other Healthwatches on integration and STP development.


In response to a question from Cllr Turner, Elspeth explained that they would be able to measure if the Healthwatch profile had been raised by the response rate to their Annual Survey.  This year 175 to 200 responses were expected to the Healthwatch Survey and more than that next year.  The number of tweets and followers had also been increased.


The Chair commented on the importance of Healthwatch as an independent voice for the residents, which included providing the evidence and views of service users to the Board.  This would provide a healthy challenge on the work and services of the Council and Partners.


The Board:


(i)  Noted the annual programme of work that is managed by LifeLine Projects, and specifically the FaithAction national team, the work scheduled and consultations due to be released by Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham between 1 August and 31 March 2018; and


(ii)  Noted the staffing structure of Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham.