Issue - meetings

Implementation of the Central Park Masterplan

Meeting: 16/10/2018 - Cabinet (Item 40)

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Further to Minute 28 (11 July 2017), the Cabinet Member for Community Leadership and Engagement presented a report on the findings of a feasibility study into the implementation of the masterplan for Central Park, Dagenham. 


The total cost of implementing the masterplan had been estimated at £2.3m, which would include landscaping with new and improved leisure and sport facilities.  The Cabinet Member advised that approximately half of the total cost could be funded from income via the importation of inert material from developments in the London and South East area to create the new landscape, subject to the outcome of public consultation and the necessary planning approvals.  In respect of the delivery of the works, the Cabinet Member referred to the procurement proposals and the projected timelines leading to completion of the project during 2021.


Cabinet Members spoke in support of the Council’s Parks and Open Spaces Strategy and the specific implementation plans for Central Park.  In response to a question regarding the total funding of the masterplan proposals, the Commissioning Director for Culture and Recreation referred to potential grant funding opportunities and also confirmed that the design proposals would have a strong focus on minimising ongoing revenue costs to the Council.


Arising from the discussions, reference was also made to the expansion of the Park Ranger service, the potential for the Council’s in-house services to participate in the delivery of the project and the opportunities for the Council to promote healthier lifestyles by encouraging the planting of fruit trees and bushes as part of the natural landscape.


The Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Approve the procurement of a design and build contract for landscaping and sports facilities at Central Park using the OJEU compliant UK Leisure Framework, to enable the direct appointment of a development partner for scoping, design, refurbishment, construction and the development of recreation and sports facilities for the public sector;


(ii)  Approve the commitment of up to £1.1 million in the Council’s Capital Programme in the period 2018 – 2020 to support the implementation of key elements of the Central Park masterplan;


(iii)  Note that the proposed scope of works would realise a payment to the Council of c£1.1 million from the importation of soil and inert material, for use in the creation of the new park landscape; and


(iv)  Delegate authority to the Commissioning Director for Culture and Recreation, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Community Leadership and Engagement, the Chief Operating Officer and the Director of Law and Governance, to conduct the procurement and enter into the contract and all other necessary or ancillary agreements with the successful bidder(s) in accordance with the strategy set out in the report.