Issue - meetings

Draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019/23

Meeting: 30/01/2019 - Assembly (Item 48)

48 Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019/23 pdf icon PDF 99 KB

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The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health Integration. As required by the Health and Care Act 2012, a new Health and Wellbeing Strategy was required for 2019-2023 to follow on from the 2015-2018 strategy. The strategy set a renewed vision for improving the health and wellbeing of residents and reducing inequalities at every stage of people’s lives. The three priority themes for the strategy have been were agreed by Health and Wellbeing board in January 2019 when presented with the 2017 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA):

1)  Best Start in Life

2)  Early Diagnosis and Intervention

3)  Building Resilience

The Cabinet Member advised that there would be zero tolerance for domestic abuse which costs £666m in the UK. She highlighted Outcome 3 (improved multi-agency support for those with adverse childhood experiences).

Members welcomed the Strategy including outcomes, priorities and enablers and considered that early intervention in ensuring health and wellbeing was important. They welcomed the JNSA and priority 3 (building resilience) and empowering residents and considered it also important for improved’ joined up’ services with the NHS and its partners including the Council.

Members welcomed the health checks which were available for residents aged over 50 but take up of these checks was quite low and this needed to be publicised to a greater degree.

In answer to a question about the link to the Council’s Parks Strategy and outcome 5(to improve physical and mental health wellbeing), the Cabinet Member confirmed that whilst there was a link between both Strategies it should be re-emphasised as utilising parks and green spaces played a key role in enhancing and improving health and well-being.

The Assembly resolved to note the content of the Strategy including the 3 priority themes, and the 7 outcomes within the document.