Issue - meetings

Calculation and Setting of Council Tax Base 2020/21

Meeting: 21/01/2020 - Cabinet (Item 98)

98 Calculation and Setting of the Council Tax Base for 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 169 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Core Services introduced the annual Council Tax Base setting report for the 2020/21 financial year.


The Council Tax Base had increased by circa 1,195 compared to 2019/20, equivalent to an additional £1.5m of income based on the current rate of Council Tax.  The Cabinet Member stressed, however, that the increasing demand pressures on services, coupled the Government’s woeful underfunding of public services, meant that the Council would be forced to consider implementing the maximum permissible increase when determining the level of Council Tax for 2020/21.


The Leader referred to the various reports that had been considered during the evening which reflected the Council’s aspirations for growth and improving the lives of local people.  He reiterated the criticisms of the Government and point to the fact that the Borough was being deprived of much needed funding, equivalent to approx. 35,000 additional residents, due to the Government’s use of out-of-date population figures when determining the funding settlement.


Cabinet resolved to agree that, in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012, the amount calculated by the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council as its Tax Base for the year 2020/21 shall be 51,204.07 Band ‘D’ properties.