Issue - meetings

COVID-19 Financial Governance and Measures

Meeting: 21/04/2020 - Cabinet (Item 125)

125 COVID-19 Financial Governance and Measures pdf icon PDF 271 KB


The Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Core Services introduced a report that summarised the measures put in place by the Council to date in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the financial measures to support local residents and businesses.


The Cabinet Member referred to the unprecedented circumstances resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and the responsibility of the Council to do all that it could to support the local community.  The Government had allocated an initial £1.6bn to local authorities to meet additional costs, of which Barking and Dagenham’s allocation was £6.3m.  A further £1.6bn allocation had recently been announced and other funds had been created to support those in receipt of Council Tax Support and the business community.  While the Cabinet Member welcomed the extra funding, he stressed that it was important “to thrive and not just survive” and much more was needed for the Council and its partners to be able to meet the additional costs associated with social care provision and support those others most affected and at risk. 


The Cabinet Member acknowledged the excellent work being undertaken across the Council and gave the example of the Business Rates Team, who had dealt with over 900 requests for support and information over the past weekend.  The Council had also put in place measures to support its contractors and suppliers to ensure continuity of service. 


With all that in mind, the report was seeking a range of delegations to the Chief Financial Officer to enable grant funding to be allocated where it was most needed and to continue to support contractors and suppliers.  In respect of the latter, the Cabinet Member referred to a slight amendment to the final recommendation in the report as he wished to extend the delegation to include any agreements, as well as contracts.


In response to questions and other observations, the Cabinet Member clarified some of the steps being taken to support the business community and encouraged those who needed help and advice to contact the Council.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer to allocate the Emergency COVID-19 funding from Central Government (initial allocation: £6.3m) to meet the following priorities:


·  Meet the increased demand for adult social care and enable the Council to provide additional support to social care providers.

·  Support Clinical Commissioning Groups in discharging and keeping people out of hospital.

·  Meet the cost of extra demand and higher business-as-usual costs of providing children’s social care.

·  Provide additional support for the homeless and rough sleepers.

·  Support those at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19.

·  Meet pressures across other services, as a result of reduced income, rising costs or increased demand.


(ii)  Note that the Government has recommended that payment to providers of essential services to the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham continue to be made on the basis of them providing the contracted service regardless of their temporary ability to fulfil their contractual obligations, and delegate authority to determine the providers to who  ...  view the full minutes text for item 125