Issue - meetings

Housing Innovation Programme: Small Sites

Meeting: 16/06/2020 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Housing Innovation Programme - Small Sites pdf icon PDF 191 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Social Housing introduced a report on proposals to launch a ‘Housing Innovation Programme’ centred around small sites owned by the Council.


The Cabinet Member advised that the key aim of the programme was to deliver innovative new-build housing schemes in the following categories, either directly by the Council (through Be First) or via the disposal of sites to external organisations (which could include community groups):


·  Innovative/specialist housing meeting particular housing needs (such as the housing needs of vulnerable groups);

·  Innovative housing design / delivery methods – such as modern methods of construction and innovations in building sustainability;

·  Community participation and engagement – including community-led housing.


Five sites had been identified for the first phase of the programme and the Cabinet Member referred to the proposed criteria for assessing bids from external organisations which would take account of their alignment with the Council’s strategic framework relating to new homes, alignment with the Council’s wider strategic framework, value for money / viability, deliverability and quality.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Approve the aims of the Housing Innovation Programme to bring forward small sites owned by the Council for innovative projects, as detailed in section 2 of the report;


(ii)  Agree that the sites listed in paragraph 4.1 and Appendix 1 to the report form the initial programme;


(iii)  Approve the assessment criteria for schemes put forward by external organisations/groups, as outlined in section 3 of the report;


(iv)  Delegate authority to the Director of Inclusive Growth, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Social Housing, to approve the inclusion of other Council-owned small sites to the programme when it would meet the objectives of the programme as set out in the report;


(v)  Delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance and the Chief Financial Officer, to approve specific proposals for Be First-led schemes proposed for any small site in the programme on the advice of the Director of Inclusive Growth in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Social Housing;


(vi)  Delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer to agree to the disposal of any small site in the programme, in consultation with the Investment Panel, where it is identified as the best way to meet the objectives of the programme as set out in the report;


(vii)  Delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer to agree to the appropriation of sites in the programme under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972 from the Housing Revenue Account to the General Fund; and


(viii)  Authorise the Director of Law of Governance, or an authorised delegate on her behalf, to execute all the legal agreements, contracts and other documents on behalf of the Council to enable schemes in line with the aims outlined in the report.