Issue - meetings

Parking Permit Policy - Car Free Developments

Meeting: 25/05/2021 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Parking Permit Policy - Car Free Developments pdf icon PDF 88 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety presented a report on a proposed revision to the Council’s Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) policy relating to “car free”, “car light” or private parking areas within the Borough.


The Cabinet Member explained that many new developments in the Borough were subject to planning approvals / conditions aimed at reducing traffic congestion, reducing air pollution and managing the limited capacity for on-street parking, particularly in areas with good public transport links.   The intention, therefore, was to bring the Council’s CPZ policy into line with the planning regime by restricting the eligibility of residents within such areas from the residential parking permit scheme, unless exceptional circumstances applied. 


It was acknowledged that there needed to be further discussions, both within the Council, with the Government and with local residents, regarding achieving the correct balance between implementing the Government’s Green Agenda and meeting the needs of residents via new and improved infrastructure.


Cabinet resolved to agree that the Council’s Controlled Parking Zone policy be updated to reflect that those residing in housing developments which are granted planning permission on the basis they are or will be deemed to be “car free”, “car light” or have own private parking arrangement or access to private car parks in accordance with section 45 (3) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, shall not be eligible for a parking permit, subject to the Operational Director, Enforcement and Community Safety being authorised to approve applications where he considers there to be exceptional circumstances.