Issue - meetings

Social Value in Procurement - Impact Report 2021/22

Meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Social Value in Procurement - Impact Report 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

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Further to Minute 16 (22 June 2021), the Cabinet Member for Finance, Growth and Core Services introduced a report on the progress and impact of the Council’s Social Value in Procurement policy, which established a framework, guidance and process to ensure that Social Value proposals and principles formed part of major contracts let by the Council.


The Cabinet Member advised that of 58 relevant procurements with an annual value over £100,000 that were completed in 2021/22, 56 came with published social value commitments from suppliers and for those procurements where social value could not be mandated, commissioners had actively engaged with suppliers to identify possible measures that would support the Council’s aims.  The Council’s Social Value Co-ordinator had also been involved in promoting social value in other areas of the Council’s business, such as with the Council-owned companies and the Council’s Film Service, which had similarly realised significant benefits for the local community in terms of job creation, training / work experience opportunities and access to funding to support local community and voluntary group projects. 


A review of the Social Value Toolkit, in response to feedback from suppliers, had resulted in a proposal to streamline the current five social value themes into three main themes of ‘Investment in Local People’, ‘Investment in Local Economy’ and ‘Environmental Sustainability’.  The Cabinet Member was also pleased to report that the new toolkit would reflect the Council’s commitment to the payment of the London Living Wage by requiring suppliers to pay their staff who work on Council contracts at least the London Living Wage.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Note the continued positive impact of the Council’s Social Value in Procurement policy in terms of suppliers’ social value commitments and associated outputs;


(ii)  Approve the updated Social Value Toolkit 2022 as set out at Appendix 1 to the report, reflecting the change from five Social Value themes to the three themes and top-level ambitions of:


Investment in Local People: A resilient population. Supporting higher levels of local employment, income, independence, and wellbeing in the borough.


Investment in Local Economy: A vibrant, future focused local economy. A resilient economy that meets the needs of the local population.


Environmental Sustainability: Better outcomes for all. An environmentally sustainable economy with improved air quality and reduced transport, waste, and packaging.


(iii)  Note the Council’s plan to pilot a programme focussing on work experience for young people and those disadvantaged in the workplace.