Issue - meetings

Foster Carer Rate and Benefits Uplift

Meeting: 22/03/2022 - Cabinet (Item 93)

93 Foster Carer Rate and Benefits Uplift pdf icon PDF 184 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health Integration introduced a report on proposals to increase the payment structure for foster carers in the Borough and other allowances associated with the service.


The Cabinet Member commented on the essential role of foster carers who provided stable and loving environments for the most vulnerable children in society and commended the high-quality provision given by the Borough’s ‘in-house’ carers.  The Cabinet Member pointed out that the payment structure had last been fully reviewed in 2008 which reinforced the urgent need to reassess the local rates, not only to properly recognise the role of current foster carers but to also attract new carers.


The review had been conducted in consultation with foster carers and had resulted in the development of a five-tier payment structure across three age groups (0-4, 5-10 and 11+) which reflected the differing needs of those in care.  In addition, the allowances for children’s holidays, birthday and religious festivals had been revised, with some increasing by 150%, and foster carers would be eligible for free access to the Borough’s leisure centres operated by Everyone Active, mirroring the arrangements for foster children who already qualified for free access.


Cabinet Members spoke in full support of the uplift proposals and supported the intention for the allowances to be reviewed annually going forward.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Agree the increase of foster carer rates for Children’s Care and Support as detailed in Appendix 4 to the report, effective from 1 April 2022;


(ii)  Agree the increase of foster children’s holiday, birthday and festival allowances for Children’s Care and Support as detailed in Appendix 5 to the report, effective from 1 April 2022;


(iii)  Agree that complimentary access to the Borough’s leisure centres be given for in-house carers, effective from 1 April 2022; and


(iv)  Delegate authority to the Operational Director, Children’s Care and Support, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health Integration, to approve the fostering rates on an annual basis, which shall be published via the Council’s annual ‘Provider Uplift Policy’ prior to the start of each fiscal year.