Issue - meetings

Corporate Plan 2023-2026

Meeting: 17/05/2023 - Assembly (Item 9)

9 Corporate Plan 2023-2026 pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Additional documents:


The Deputy Leader introduced the draft Corporate Plan for 2023-2026 which set out the Council’s key priorities, aims and objectives for the next three years and the activities that would help achieve them.


The Deputy Leader referred to the strong links between the Corporate Plan and the Borough Manifesto agreed in 2019, as well as the political manifesto that the Labour Group stood on at last year’s Local Elections. The new Corporate Plan had been developed over many months in collaboration with local partners and the wider community and would maintain the Council’s long-standing vision of “One Borough: One Community: No-One Left Behind”.


The new Corporate Plan set out the Council’s seven main priorities for the years ahead, namely:


·  Residents are supported during the current Cost-of-Living Crisis;

·  Residents are safe, protected and supported at their most vulnerable;

·  Residents live healthier, happier, independent lives for longer;

·  Residents prosper from good education, skills development, and secure employment;

·  Residents benefit from inclusive growth and regeneration;

·  Residents live in, and play their part in creating, safer, cleaner, and greener neighbourhoods;

·  Residents live in good housing and avoid becoming homeless.


Cabinet Members gave their unanimous support for the new Corporate Plan and referred to a range of issues within the document and aspects relating to their respective portfolios.


Members also spoke on the magnitude of delivering on the priorities and ambitions within the Corporate Plan, particularly bearing in mind the significant underfunding of local services by the Government.


The Assembly resolved to:


(i)  Approve the Corporate Plan 2023-2026 as set out at Appendix 1 to the report; and


(ii)  Delegate authority to the Director of Strategy, in consultation with the Leader, Deputy Leaders and Deputy Cabinet Member for Performance and Data Insight, to develop and implement an Outcomes Framework relating to the new Corporate Plan.

Meeting: 18/04/2023 - Cabinet (Item 104)

104 Corporate Plan 2023 - 2026 pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Additional documents:


The Leader introduced the draft Corporate Plan for 2023-2026 which set out the Council’s key priorities, aims and objectives for the next three years and the activities that would help achieve them.


The Leader referred to the strong links between the Corporate Plan and the Borough Manifesto agreed in 2019, as well as the political manifesto that the Labour Group stood on at last year’s Local Elections.  The new Corporate Plan had been developed over many months in collaboration with local partners and the wider community and would maintain the Council’s long-standing vision of “One Borough: One Community: No-One Left Behind”.


The new Corporate Plan set out the Council’s seven main priorities for the years ahead, namely:


·  Residents are supported during the current Cost-of-Living Crisis;

·  Residents are safe, protected, and supported at their most vulnerable;

·  Residents live healthier, happier, independent lives for longer;

·  Residents prosper from good education, skills development, and secure employment;

·  Residents benefit from inclusive growth and regeneration;

·  Residents live in, and play their part in creating, safer, cleaner, and greener neighbourhoods;

·  Residents live in good housing and avoid becoming homeless.


The Leader referred to the working culture that would drive service delivery, performance and innovation and the important role of local voluntary and community sector partners as well as other partners such as the local NHS organisations and the Police in helping to achieve those priorities.  The document also set out the actions that the Council would be taking to address structural inequality, over and above its statutory responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010, to ensure that Barking and Dagenham was a place where every resident could thrive.


Cabinet Members gave their unanimous support for the new Corporate Plan and referred to a range of issues within the document and aspects relating to their respective portfolios.  Members also spoke on the magnitude of delivering on the priorities and ambitions within the Corporate Plan, particularly bearing in mind the significant underfunding of local services by the Government.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Endorse the new Corporate Plan for 2023-2026, as set out at Appendix 1 to the report, and authorise the Director of Strategy, in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leaders, to make any non-material amendments to the document prior to its submission to the Assembly; and


(ii)  Recommend the Assembly to:


(a)  Approve the Corporate Plan 2023-2026; and

(b)  Delegate authority to the Director of Strategy, in consultation with the Leader, Deputy Leaders and Deputy Cabinet Member for Performance and Data Insight, to develop and implement an Outcomes Framework relating to the new Corporate Plan.