Issue - meetings

Conservation Works at Valence House Museum

Meeting: 19/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 91)

91 Valence House Museum and Borough Archive Conservation Project pdf icon PDF 105 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Community Leadership and Engagement presented a report on a successful application for grant funding to support a major conservation project at Valence House Museum and Archives.


The funding would facilitate key improvements to buildings and grounds at Valence House, incorporating the Museum and adjacent Archives, the Visitor Centre and surrounding green spaces.  In addition to securing a total of £881,250 from the Arts Council of England, the Culture and Heritage service had also secured a further £150,000 in grant and identified a further £175,000 from the Council’s current Capital Programme to fund the approved project.  The Cabinet Member explained, however, that additional fundraising and new income opportunities would need to be generated over the next five years to fully achieve the Council’s longer-term aspirations for community-focused arts and heritage services.


Cabinet colleagues spoke in support of the project and expressed their thanks to officers within the Culture and Heritage service for their continued commitment to enhancing the cultural and local history offer for local residents and others to celebrate and enjoy.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Approve the inclusion of the Valence House Museum and Borough Archive Conservation project in the Capital Programme in the sum of £1,206,250, made up of Arts Council of England grant totalling £881,250, UK Shared Prosperity capital grant of £150,000 and £175,000 from the Council’s Parks Commissioning capital budget for lakes and watercourses;


(ii)  Note the planned trajectory for the delivery of the project, as set out in the report; and delegate authority to the Strategic Director, Inclusive Growth, in consultation with the Head of Legal, to enter into all necessary agreements with the Arts Council to fully implement and effect the proposals; and


(iii)  Note that further significant fundraising will be required in the next 2-5 years to meet the Council’s statutory responsibilities for its listed heritage sites and the accredited Borough Archives.