Agenda and minutes

Wednesday, 30 November 2016 7:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Barking

Contact: Leanna McPherson, Democratic Services Officer, Civic Centre, Dagenham 

No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes (5 October 2016) pdf icon PDF 89 KB


The minutes of the Assembly held on 5 October 2016 were confirmed as a correct record.


Leader's Statement

The Leader will present his statement.


The Leader of the Council asked the Chair to grant permission for the Assembly to observe a minute’s silence in memory of the victims of Stephen Port. 


The Assembly stood for a minute’s silence.


The Leader then presented a verbal statement updating the Assembly on a range of matters since the last meeting, including:


·  Noting the contribution Wyn Chapman, who had recently passed away, made to the Council particularly in her support of Mayoral Charities;

·  The announcement of the Government Autumn Statement, which would hit the lower income families the hardest again;

·  The creation of the Accountable Care Organisation, led by Councillor Worby, which was being undermined by the Governments Sustainability and Transformation Plan; and

·  The work undertaken by Councillor Geddes in the campaign the Council had waged against “Pay to Stay” and for his work on the Right to Invest Policy.

·  As seen on the recent BBC2 documentary, the Council had 18,000 families a year presenting as homeless against the backdrop of only 640 council homes became available a year.  Despite this, the Council had one of the best records in London for replacing council homes lost under the Right to Buy.


The Leader also announced that he had recently been appointed as the Executive Member for City Development at London Councils.


The Leader spoke highly of the work recently undertaken by the Cabinet, including:


·  Councillor Twomey’s efforts to bring the Children’s Care & Support budget back in line;

·  Councillor Carpenter leading the fight against Grammar Schools and helping the Boroughs schools to become more robust;

·  The introduction of one hour free parking in town centres and shopping parades by Councillor Butt;

·  The Borough Manifesto which would shape the Councils goals, successfully led by Councillor Ashraf;

·  Councillor Lynda Rice for achieving a record response from residents on the green waste consultation;

·  Councillor Bright for her work on equalities, for which the Council were recently presented with a GEC award; and

·  Councillor Turner for making sure that performance was at the core of everything the Council does.



The Labour Group Secretary will announce any nominations to fill vacant positions on Council committees or other bodies.


The Assembly resolved to appoint Councillor Haroon to the Personnel Board.


Barking and Dagenham Member Corporate Parenting Annual Report 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair of the Member Corporate Parenting Group presented the Barking and Dagenham Member Corporate Parenting Annual Report 2015/16.


The Member Corporate Parenting Group had a responsibility to closely scrutinse the work undertaken by officers and partner agencies to support young people looked after and care leavers to achieve the best outcomes.


The report showed the achievements of the previous year, as well as setting out the challenges faced in the coming year.  The report also provided a summary of the progress that had been made in relation to the ‘promise’ made to children looked after and the ‘pledge’ to care leavers by the Member Corporate Parenting Group as part of the Corporate Parenting Strategy.


In response to questions, the Assembly were advised that:


·  The Borough was the third highest London Borough for the number of children adopted, although it was noted that the number had gone down slightly;

·  A scrutiny review on adoption was currently being undertaken by the Children’s Services Select Committee and the outcome would be reported to the Assembly in due course; and

·  Visits at a minimum frequency of six weeks to children for the first year of being in care had dropped by 17.5%. Work had been undertaken to stablise the service and the key focus was in ensuring visits were made and tracked.


The Assembly resolved to note the 2015/16 Annual Report of the Member Corporate Parenting Group.


Safeguarding Adults Board and Safeguarding Children's Board Annual Reports pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health Integration presented a report on the Local Safeguarding Adult Boards (SAB) and Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs).


The Boards had a statutory obligation to compile and publish an Annual Report and to provide this to the Cabinet Member as Chair of the local Health and Wellbeing Board.


The Annual Reports highlighted the work of the SAB and LSCB, setting out the key achievements, work of the partners and future priorities and sought to demonstrate how the Safeguarding Board had worked to improve the protection of vulnerable adults and children across Barking and Dagenham.  The reports contained contributions from a range of organisations who were involved in safeguarding vulnerable adults and children in the Borough.


The Cabinet Member reported that partners had worked successfully together over the past year.  The statutory partners had provided financial resources to support the SAB and LSCB to fulfill their functions and to support the undertaking of Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) and Children’s Serious Case Reviews.


All Members of the Council were corporate parents and would therefore be updated on a regular basis on statistics relation to the SAB and LCSB.


In response to a question from Assembly, the Cabinet Member advised that following the independent inquiry on child sexual exploitation in Rotherham, the Council had reviewed its processes accordingly.  The Cabinet Member advised that the Council must also talk openly about the various issues faced by adults and children, including female genital mutilation and domestic violence, to raise awareness.


The Assembly resolved to receive the Safeguarding Adults Board and Safeguarding Children’s Board Annual Reports.



Treasury Management Strategy Statement Mid-Year Review 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 292 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Finance, Growth and Investment presented a report on the Treasury Management Strategy Statement Mid-Year Review 2016/217.


The Assembly were advised that regulation changes had placed greater onus on elected Members in respect of review and scrutiny of treasury management policy and activities.  This mid-year review report was important in that respect as it provided details of the mid-year position for treasury activities and highlighted compliance with the Council’s policies previously approved by the Assembly.


The Assembly agreed the Treasury Management Strategy Statement for 2016/17 on 25 February 2016 which incorporated the Prudential Indicators.  This report, which was presented to and endorsed by the Cabinet at its meeting on 15 November 2016, updated Members on treasury management activities in the current year.


The Cabinet Member highlighted some of the key issues in the report, advising of external factors following the referendum held on 23 June 2016 which included sterling falling dramatically and the Bank of England cutting the Base Rate to 0.25%. 


In response to questions from Assembly on borrowing, the Cabinet Member advised that there were no plans to borrow up to the Councils limits.  The Council had been advised that the Lender Option Borrower Option (LOBO) loan with Barclays had changed terms which were not advantageous for the Council.  Further options had been explored and it was noted the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) had the ability to borrow £10m.  Finally, the Cabinet Member advised that all reserves together for the Council currently totaled £41m.


The Assembly resolved to:


(i)  Note the Treasury Management Strategy Statement Mid-Year Review 2016/17;

(ii)  Note that the Council complied with all 2016/17 treasury management indicators during the first half of the 2016/17 financial year;

(iii)  Note that the value of investments as at 30 September 2016 totalled £259.0m;

(iv)  Note that the value of long-term borrowing as at 30 September 2016 totalled £454.9m, comprising market, PWLB and EIB loans; and

(v)  Note that the value of short term borrowing as at 30 September 2016 totalled £63.9m.



No motions have been received.


None had been received.



Questions With Notice



Question 1


From Councillor L Waker


“There are parking issues at the Heathway shopping centre where congestion and obstruction is caused through inconsiderate parking on double yellow lines.


The area is already very congested at almost all times of the day now, but with the amount of stationary vehicles in particular mini cabs it not only makes things very frustrating for other drivers but is a serious health and safety problem with them obstructing emergency vehicles police, fire and ambulances.


With an increase in Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) being issued in the Borough, are there any plans to start giving PCNs to the cars that park on the Heathway shopping area double yellow lines?”




The Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety advised that the Heathway area was patrolled and enforced regularly.  In October 2016, 55 penalty charge noticed were issued for various parking contraventions to parked vehicles.  The Heathway was recognised as a priority area for enforcement and the Council had previously engaged with the local mini cab firm and would continue to do so.


Supplementary Question


Councillor L Waker enquired as to whether there were any transportation plans for the Borough and the Heathway. 


The Cabinet Member confirmed this was currently being discussed.


Question 2


From Councillor L Waker


“The green waste collections were stopped by the Council at the end of September and subsequently a consultation card was sent to residents to ask if they would opt for some form of green waste service if they paid £1 a week.


If a resident pays £1 a week, what service do they receive?”




The Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene advised that the consultation was very successful, with a total of 7,690 responses.  49.87% of those residents who responded indicated they would be willing to pay £1 a week  and therefore the Council would look at developing a paid service.


Supplementary Question


Councillor L Waker asked for details of what type of service residents would get for £1 a week.


The Cabinet Member would advise on the details of any future collection scheme in due course.


Question 3


From Councillor Mullane


“In the light of the tragic events in Church Elm Lane and Wyhill Walk, Dagenham, which ended in the tragic loss of a young life and injuries to others, could the Leader of the Council confirm what measures are being put in place to both reassure and protect our community?”




The Leader of the Council expressed his condolences to the family of Duran Kajiama for their loss and advised that the other victim was recovering from their physical injuries.  Along with Ward Members, the Council and Police held a community meeting on 24 November and 186 people had attended.  Residents concerns were listened to and a number of actions arising from the meeting had already been put in place.  Ongoing consultation would continue with the residents.


Supplementary Question


Councillor Mullane advised that CCTV cameras were mentioned at the meeting and asked that Ward  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43.