Agenda and minutes

Extraordinary Meeting, Ceremonial Council
Wednesday, 30 September 2020 6:30 pm

Venue: Meeting to be held virtually

Contact: John Dawe, Senior Governance Officer 


No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


Minutes (17 May 2019) pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes of the two meetings held on 17 May 2019 were confirmed as correct.


Conferring the Honorary Freedom of the Borough

The Ceremonial Council is asked to confer the title of Honorary Freedom of the Borough to:


·  Rt Rev Trevor Mwamba

·  Trevor Lock

·  Martin Sullivan



The Chair advised that a special meeting of the Ceremonial Council had been called in order to consider three nominations for the award of the Freedom of the Borough, the highest honour that a Council could bestow on an individual in recognition of their outstanding achievements.


Councillor Twomey moved and Councillor Darren Rodwell seconded the nomination of the Rt Rev Trevor Mwamba as Honorary Freeman of the Borough.  Councillor Twomey spoke in support of the nomination highlighting the huge impact that Trevor, as he was fondly known, had on the Borough during his six-year tenure as the Rector of St. Margaret’s Church. He had left a lasting impression with his collaborative work with the Borough Faith Forum and his tireless work in the community generally including local schools.


Councillor Twomey moved and Councillor Chand seconded the nomination of Mr Trevor Lock as Honorary Freeman of the Borough.  Councillor Twomey drew particular attention to Mr Lock’s bravery as a serving Police Officer involved in the Iranian Embassy siege in 1980, when he put his life on the line to protect and save others, and which resulted in him being awarded the George Cross by the Queen. That incident along with his subsequent service as a volunteer for the Individual Living Agency for more than 20 years meant this local recognition was both merited and long overdue. 


Councillor Carpenter moved and Councillor Ashraf seconded the nomination of Mr Martin Sullivan as Honorary Freeman of the Borough. Councillor Carpenter stated that Mr Sullivan was an illustrious businessman who in 2007 received the OBE in the Birthday Honours for services to British business interests.


She explained that Mr Sullivan had been put forward for the award by the Headteacher of Sydney Russell School as he had attended the South East Essex Technical High School as it was formally known between 1965 to 1970.  He never forgot his roots and had served as an inspiration to young people at the School. Thanks to his generosity the School had a high-quality fitness room and equipment which led to the creation of an elite sports squad providing the opportunity for many students to participate in sports, health and fitness programmes. This was one of a number of developments and initiatives supported and funded by Mr Sullivan, who had equally given his time by regularly visiting the School and speaking to students to raise their aspirations. 


The Ceremonial Council resolved to award the Honorary Freedom of the Borough to the Rt Rev Trevor Mwamba, Mr Trevor Lock and Mr Martin Sullivan.