Agenda and minutes

Annual General Meeting, East London Waste Authority
Monday, 19 June 2006 1:00 pm

Venue: Frog Island Waste Management Facility, Creek Way, Rainham, Essex RM13 8EN

Contact: Tony Jarvis  Telephone - 020 8270 4965, Fax - 020 8270 4973 / e-mail:

No. Item


Appointment of Chair and Deputy Chair pdf icon PDF 10 KB


We have proposed and seconded the nominations that Councillor Milton McKenzie and Councillor Stephen Kelly be appointed Chair and Deputy Chair respectively.  Councillor Murphy having been made aware that, under the terms of the Constitution (Paragraph 28, Part B), he would not be able to vote during the course of the meeting.


Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received on behalf of Councillor June Leitch and Councillor Peter R Goody.


Minutes - To confirm as correct the minutes of the meeting held on 10 April 2006 pdf icon PDF 103 KB


We have confirmed as correct the minutes of our meeting held on 10th April 2006.


Membership 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 9 KB


We have noted the Office Manager’s report in respect of the representatives appointed to ELWA by the four Constituent Councils as follows:


Barking & Dagenham:

Cllr Milton McKenzie

Cllr Mrs Pat Twomey


Cllr Steven Kelly

Cllr Barry Tebbutt


Cllr Pat Sheekey

Cllr June Leitch


Cllr Alan Weinberg

Cllr Peter R Goody


The Chair took the opportunity to welcome Councillor Patrick Murphy to the meeting in his non-voting capacity and representing the London Borough of Newham.


ELWA Limited Directorship 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 64 KB


We have received the Office Manager’s report and agreed the proposal by Councillor Mrs Twomey that Councillor Alan Weinberg be reappointed to the position of ELWA Limited “A” Director for the municipal year 2006-07.  .  We agree the appointment take place following consultation with the “B” shareholder.  We authorise the Chair to nominate an alternative “A” Director should the need arise.  In addition, we authorise the “A” Director to act as ELWA’s representative at the ELWA Limited Annual General meeting.  The role of “A” Director being set out in the Joint Venture Agreement and Articles of Association of ELWA Limited.


Diary of Events - 2006-07 pdf icon PDF 10 KB


We have noted the Office Manager’s report and adopted the future meetings as follows:





Nature of Meeting

19 June 2006

11.00 am

Shanks east london, Creek Way, FrogIsland, Rainham

Informal Meeting & Site Tour

1.00 pm

Annual General Meeting

16 October 2006

11.00 am

Civic Centre, Dagenham

Landfill Sites Tour

1.00 pm

Civic Centre, Dagenham


27 November 2006

1.00 pm

Civic Centre, Dagenham

IWMS Contract Annual Budget & Service Delivery Plan Approval

05 February 2007

1.00 pm

Civic Centre, Dagenham

Levy Approval

02 April 2007

1.00 pm

Civic Centre, Dagenham




ELWA Constitution pdf icon PDF 38 KB

The Constitution is circulated to Members under separate cover and is also available on the Internet ( and at public libraries.

Additional documents:


We have noted the Monitoring Officer’s report and agreed to adopt the Constitution with the proposed revisions to Members’, Officers’ and Senior Managers’ details, Contracts Guidance Notes, Contracts and Financial Rules, Contracts Code of Practice and monetary thresholds.  Also noted that the document will be published on the Authority’s and London Borough of Barking & Dagenham’s websites in addition to copies being provided to all Members.


Best Value Performance Plan 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 10 KB

Additional documents:


We have approved the Best Value Performance Plan for 2006-07 subject to any minor amendments being authorised by the Managing Director for publication by the due date of 30 June 2006.


Internal Audit Progress Report 2005/06, Audit Plan 2006/07 and Planned Audit Coverage to March 2006 pdf icon PDF 18 KB


Received the Finance Director’s favourable report on the Authority’s internal audit systems and procedures and his opinion that they are sound and robust and continue to adapt and respond to ever changing needs.  We have discussed the process of contract monitoring and asked the Executive Director to work with the Borough experiencing difficulties.


We have noted the audit coverage for 2005-06 and the planned audit coverage for 2007-08 and agreed the audit coverage for 2006-07 of Closed Landfill Sites, Performance Measures, Review Risk Assessment Process and Contingency arrangements.


Contract Performance Outturn Report 2005/06 pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Additional documents:


We have received and discussed the General Manager’s report on contract monitoring, together with the Appendix setting out contract performance and monthly contract waste recycled data.  Noted the tonnage data on recycling and diversion from landfill and contract payments and site operations for the year 2005-06.  The General Manager responded to questions as to the anticipated opening of Jenkins Lane (Dec-Mar 2007) and the future capacity of the facility.


Final Financial Outturn Report 2005/06 pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


Noted the report containing an analysis of the contingency and reserves.  Also noted the principle variation relating to the lower than anticipated waste tonnages and that the Authority's Treasury Management and Capital activities for the year remained within the set limits


Draft Statement of Internal Control 2005/06 pdf icon PDF 13 KB

Additional documents:


We have received the Finance Director's report setting out the basis upon which the Statement of Internal Control (SIC) was produced and approved the Statement.  Noted also, Paragraph 7 of SIC, stating improvements achieved during the year as strengthening strategic review process, higher operational performances and spending within budget.


Draft Statement of Accounts 2005/06 pdf icon PDF 49 KB

Additional documents:


We have received the Finance Director's report on the 2005/06 Draft Statement of Accounts and noted the following:



the report on Landfill Allowances in the Balance Sheet and Revenue Account;


the Accounts are based on those in the Final Outturn report for 2005/06 (discussed separately);


the Statement of Control is to be considered separately;


the net assets of the Authority, at 31 March 2006, were £28.7m;


the systems in place are robust.



Landfill Allowances Trading Scheme (LATS) 2005/06 pdf icon PDF 32 KB

Additional documents:


Received and noted the General Manager’s report, together with Appendices.  Noted that no trading had taken place to-date in view of the low return rate available (£14 per tonne).  The strategy towards trading allowances was discussed, including the rules about the carry forward of surplus allowances from one year to another.  Authority to trade had been delegated to the General Manager in consultation with the Finance Director and the Executive Director.


Contract Performance 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Additional documents:


We have received the General Manager’s report, together with Appendices, on Contract Monitoring including tonnage data on recycling and diversion from landfill and contract payments and site operations for the period April 2006. 


Budgetary Control Report 2006/07 (to 30 April 2006) pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Additional documents:


We have noted the healthy financial position and an under spend of £350,000 against estimated budget.  The Finance Director drew our attention to the fact that the main variation related to the generation of additional bank interest and a lower than expected payment to Shanks.east london compared to the Annual Budget & Service Delivery Plan.


Anti-Fraud & Corruption Strategy pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Additional documents:


Received the Executive Director’s report that the Auditors recommend the Authority has it’s own Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy in place, in addition to those governing staff and Councillors within the Constituent Councils.  We have considered the following three policy documents (appended to the report) as follows and approve their adoption:



Antifraud and Corruption Strategy (Document 1) - Statement of Principles


Antifraud and Corruption Strategy (Document 3) - Whistleblowing Procedure


Antifraud and Corruption Strategy (Document 5) - Fraud Response Plan

We note that the following additional drafted documents, in the suite of 7, will be finalised following adoption of these three policy documents.


Guidance for Staff


Whistleblowing Procedure – Information for Employees and people who have dealings with the Authority


Whistleblowing Procedure – Information for Managers


Extracts from the Integrated Waste Management Contract



Any other public items


External Audit – International Standard on Auditing UK & Ireland (ISA) Report 260


We have received the Finance Director's report on the External Auditor's Annual Governance Report for 2005/06 and agreed to the delegation to receive and consider this Report by the 30th September 2006 to the Finance Director in consultation with the Chair.  Should the External Auditor raise any significant unexpected issues, the Chair would convene an urgent Special Meeting of the Authority before the 30th September.


Closed Landfill Sites Visit


We have agreed the General Manager’s suggestion that Members might like to visit the four closed Landfill sites and have authorised Officers to make the necessary arrangements for the tour to commence at 11.00 am on Monday 16th October.


CIWM Conference 12-15 June 2007


We have discussed possible attendance at the next Chartered Institute of Wastes Management Conference and agreed that accommodation arrangements would be improved upon from those of 2006 and authorised the Office Manager to make provisional hotel bookings.






