Agenda and minutes

East London Waste Authority
Monday, 16 October 2006 1:00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, Dagenham

Contact: Office Manager, Arden House, 198 Longbridge Road, Barking IG11 8SY  Telephone - 020 8270 4964, Fax - 020 8270 4973 / e-mail:

No. Item


Minutes - To confirm as correct the minutes of the meeting held on 19 June 2006 pdf icon PDF 173 KB


We have confirmed as correct the minutes of our meeting held on 19 June 2006.


Membership 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 8 KB


We have noted the Office Manager’s report stating that the London Borough of Newham had appointed Councillor Patrick Murphy to replace Councillor June Leitch with effect from 21 September 2006.  The Chair took the opportunity to welcome Councillor Murphy as a voting Member and Councillor Goody to his first meeting.


Mayor's Powers, Mayor's Strategy and the London Plan pdf icon PDF 14 KB

Additional documents:


We have received the Executive Directors report and noted the recent developments in planning and management of London’s waste and the likely future impact on ELWA and Borough planning and waste strategies.


3 Year Service Delivery Plan 2007/08 to 2009/10 pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Additional documents:


We have received the Executive Director’s report on the 3 year Service Delivery Plan and noted the importance for the medium term operational and financial planning of ELWA and the Boroughs.  We have noted the main strategic points set out in the Executive Summary.  The Executive Director’s commentary highlighted the fact that the SDP conforms to the Overall Service Delivery Plan and demonstrated that Shanks was likely to meet its contractual obligations and targets of 22% average BVPI recycling, 25% national waste strategy recycling and 40% diversion from landfill.  He also mentioned some uncertainties in terms of waste management (eg national and local waste strategies).  It was noted that ELWA was likely to landfill less biodegradable waste than the government’s limit during the period of the SDP.


We have approved the 3 year SDP 2007/08 to 2009/10.


Consideration of Additonal Waste Sites for ELWA and the Constituent Councils pdf icon PDF 12 KB

Additional documents:


We have received and discussed the Executive Director’s report as to whether ELWA should investigate further waste sites for the extension of services to the public.  We have supported the development of composting facilities, subject to a further detailed report, at two of ELWA’s closed landfill sites (Aveley 1 and Gerpins Lane) and an additional site to the west of the ELWA area.


We have discussed the possible location of additional RRC sites to the north east, (bordering north Barking & Dagenham, Havering & east Redbridge) and to the west.


We have given our approval to officers conducting a preliminary site survey and for the withdrawal of £5,000 from the contingency to seek employment of specialist advice for this purpose.


Recycling - Resources for Recycling Initiatives pdf icon PDF 16 KB


Received and noted the Contract Manager’s report on the implementation of recycling initiatives.  The Executive Director reported on the utilisation of funding to date and the value of the scheme to the recycling officers.


Agreed the continuation of funding of £200,000 (2007/08) to support new initiatives.


Reuse & Recycling Centres Waste Protocol pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Additional documents:


Received the General Manager’s report, together with Waste Protocol for residents to deposit their household waste at RRCs.  The General Manager also outlined the current processes and charges in respect of commercial waste, at these sites. 


We have agreed the implementation of the RRC Waste Protocol which will provide Shanks’ operatives with a clear procedure, provide borough officers with the ability to resolve any disputes and allow ELWA and the Boroughs to monitor site controls to an agreed procedure.


In addition, we have agreed to receive a further report in 12 months of its operation.


Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Consultation pdf icon PDF 19 KB


We have received and discussed at length the General Manager’s report on the proposed response to the WEEE consultation document and draft non-statutory guidance.  We have agreed to respond to the consultation and have asked officers to strengthen their proposed response by emphasising that the government had not sufficiently recognised the ongoing revenue costs likely to be incurred by local authorities in separately managing WEEE.




CIWM Conference 2007 pdf icon PDF 64 KB


Having considered the Office Manager’s report, we have agreed ELWA’s attendance at the June 2007 Chartered Institute of Wastes Management (CIWM) Conference and Exhibition in Torbay.


Contract Performance 2005/6 - April 2005 to August 2006 pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Additional documents:


The General Manager presented his regular progress report on the latest operational and performance issues relating to the Integrated Waste Management Service (IWMS) Contract, which included tonnage data, recycling and diversion from landfill and contract payments and site operations for the period April to August 2006. 


Budgetary Control Report to 31 August 2006 pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Additional documents:


We have noted the healthy financial position and under spend of £376,000 against profiled budget.  The Finance Director reported on the main variations as being a lower than expected payment to Shanks.east london compared to the Annual Budget & Service Delivery Plan and the generation of additional bank interest as a result of stronger cash flows. 


Havering Members asked whether an outstanding issue had been resolved concerning the charge to Havering for the disposal of commercial waste.  The response was that it would be considered during the preparation of the Revised Estimates for 2006/07


External Audit - Annual Governance REport (Internal Standard on Auditing UK & Ireland (ISA) Report 260) pdf icon PDF 9 KB


We have received the Finance Director’s report and are pleased to note that ELWA received an unqualified opinion in respect of its Accounts and arrangements for securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of resources including the Best Value Performance Plan for 2005/06.


Statement of Accounts 2005-06 pdf icon PDF 8 KB


Noted the Finance Director’s report on the External Auditor giving an unqualified opinion and certificate, without any significant issues being raised. in respect of his review and audit of the Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2006.


Treasury Management Outturn Report 2005/06 pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


Noted the Finance Director’s report and Appendix which set out the main points of note as being favourable percentage earnings on short and long term investment, that existing borrowing was kept within approved limits, no new borrowing as entered into and cash balances outperformed benchmark, investment portfolio and debt portfolio outperformed London averages.  Prudential indicators had not been exceeded and outturn figures were shown in the Appendix.


Employment Arrangements for ELWA pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Additional documents:


We have considered the Managing Director’s proposals for the Authority to become the direct employer and for improved staffing arrangements and structure in order to provide certainty of continuity, retention of expertise and the application of standard personnel policies.


We have agreed the principle that ELWA becomes an employing Authority from 1st April 2007 and agreed to carry out the necessary consultations and procedures to facilitate a transfer to ELWA of the five full-time members of staff who are currently employed by Constituent Councils.


We have delegated:


·  the agreement of the new staffing structure for full-time members of staff within ELWA, subject to Member consideration of any long term financial implications and the approval of the Chief Officer post within the structure to the Managing Director, in conjunction with the ELWA Management Board,

·  personnel matters arising from the new structure to the Managing Director, and

·  payroll and pension issues arising from the new structure to the Finance Director.

·  the consequential changes to the Constitution and detailed drafting to the Managing Director.


We have agreed:

§  to adopt the personnel policies, where appropriate, of the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham on an interim basis with effect from 1st April 2007.


To consider whether it would be appropriate to pass a resolution pursuant to Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972


We have resolved to exclude the public and press from the remainder of the meeting by reason of the nature of the business to be transacted which includes the information excepted by paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(a) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended)


Pipeline Easement at Aveley