Agenda and minutes

Community Safety Partnership
Wednesday, 29 September 2021 10:00 am

Venue: Conference Centre, Barking Learning Centre, Town Square, Barking

Contact: Jade Hodgson, Community Safety Partnership Policy Officer 

Note No. Item

2 minutes


Introductions and Apologies for Absence


Paul Trevers, Community Safety Partnership (CSP) interim chair opened the September CSP board and apologies were noted. The board welcomed Tarina Evans as the new Victim Support representative.


2 minutes


Declaration of Interests

Members of the Board are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


No declarations of interest to note.


5 minutes


Minutes pdf icon PDF 97 KB


The June CSP board minutes were approved by the board.  The following actions remain outstanding.


ACTION: CSP Board Chairs to jointly write to NELFT to request Information Sharing Agreement to be signed and a deputy representative to be identified.

ACTION: Jade Hodgson to follow up with Mike Cullern regarding presenting to Corporate Strategy Group and explore adding to the commissioning framework (COMPLETED).

ACTION: Chris Lyons to link in with MPS to share comms for Safe Haven rollout.

ACTION: Andy Opie and Dan James to discuss how to build in MPS 5 years trends in council data sets.



Knife Crime Prevention Order pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


James Rush update the board on the Knife Crime Prevention Orders (KCPOs) introduced by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on a 14 month pilot. KCPOs have been legislated since 2019 but the pilot started on 05th July 2021, which aim to protect and divert offenders from committing crimes.

·  KCPOs differ from other orders such as Criminal Behaviour Orders (CBO) as the focus is on diversion and engagement for young people therefore the orders must include positive requirements and not just focused on enforcements.

·  KCPOs do not require an individual to have previous criminal history to apply an order.

·  MPS have had a slow start in the number of referrals for orders to the Violent Crime Taskforce which are then tri-aged. LBBD are the top performing borough on the BCU for putting forward referrals, there have been a total of 13 referrals, 8 of these are B&D referrals.

·  The orders can be applied on conviction for an offence involving a knife, or where there is evidence that the offender has carried a knife on two or more occasions. The requirements can include locality, diversion and engagement and prohibitions which are tailored to the offender.

·  MPS are working with organisations to look at appropriate restrictions that can be imposed, MPS do not want force young people to engage with a particular activity a longer than is reasonable.

·  MPS are seeking support when applying for the orders to agree appropriate requirements, and when requirements and orders are in place to assist in reporting breaches.


Councillor carpenter questioned if there is a sufficient level of diverse programmes that young people can engage in and are MPS well connected, and if young people breech or are not interested will they be offered other opportunities? DS James Rush advised these diversionary activities within the order are tailored for the young person and LBBD have a good level of diversionary offers for young people. Councillor Carpenter was keen that orders included education, training and employment offers. Nathan Singleton questioned if the KCPOs appear on young person DBS.


April Bald requested a presentation to the YOS Board, CSP subgroup to brief members on the orders, their remit and reason for using a KCPO. This will also support connecting into preventions services.


ACTION: James Rush to find out whether KCPOs will appear on DBS for young people (COMPLETED)

ACTION: Angie Fuller to invite DS James Rush to YOS CSP subgroup to present KCPOs.



GPS Tagging for Domestic Abuse Perpetrators Pilot pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:


Carry item forward to December 2021 CSP Board.



VRU Serious Violence Action Plan pdf icon PDF 416 KB


The 12 monthly review of the plan has been undertaken and partners provided updates on delivery of actions within the plan. The plan has effectively held the partnership to account against actions to reduce serious violence. The 2021/22 VRU Action Plan template will be released by early next week therefore we will require the partnership support to developing a new plan.

·  The Ben Kinsella Trust exhibition was developed with the support of partners and local families and is officially opening on 29th September 2021. The booking system will be launched following the opening of the exhibition and a project lead has been recruited to oversee the LBBD site. The board endorsed the work to get the exhibition developed and launched within B&D.

·  Safe Haven: CSP Team have applied for the SWAN Fund which focuses improving safety for women and young people. The bid aims to create safe places, improve the space of Barking Station by increasing guardianship, creating green spaces, commissioning local performances and artwork. Additionally, the bid looks to implement real time reporting in a public space via Tootoot. QR codes will be located in hotspots in where people feel less safe. The application has been submitted with an outcome expected in early November.


Councillor Mullane noted Staff and Councillors are visiting areas residents highlighted as unsafe in the women’s’ safety survey.  Andy Opie noted the MPS have development an Environmental Visual Audit (EVA) which provides recommendations to support tasking and project solving.


Councillor Carpenter requested an update on the use of knife wands within schools.


ACTION: Jade Hodgson to share stribe/tootoot app to highlight the app in schools and how we propose for this to works in public space.

ACTION: Jade Hodgson to link in with Sharon White to provide an update to Councillor Carpenter on knife crime wands and whether these have been provided to schools that want them (COMPLETED).

ACTION: Chris Lyons to share women’s safety survey with MPS to support tasking.



RESTRICTED: Crime and Disorder Strategic Assessment


Restricted item due to sensitive information


RESTRICTED: Unification of NPS and CRC


Restricted item due to sensitive information



RESTRICTED: Stephen Port Inquest


Restricted item due to sensitive information


5 minutes


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 119 KB


The board reviewed the CSP forward plan and agreed the items listed for the December 2021 board. The board requested the MPS update to focus on street violence and the Family Drug and Alcohol Court update to be postponed to March 2022 board.


ACTION: Jade Hodgson to update CSP Board forward plan (COMPLETED)


5 minutes


Any Other Business


London Crime Prevention Fund (LCPF) is being proposed over a 3 year period (2022/25) with funding to remain the same previous financial years. Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) 2021/22 funding is being proposed for one year with the funding to mirror previous financial years. This is still waiting for confirmation. The CSP Team lead on shaping a proposal for commissiong under the grant which will address CSP and MOPAC priority areas.


MPS noted that the Sentencing of Sarah Everard murder was taking place, the assistance commissioner will be interviewed post sentence.



Subgroup Update Reports


Children and Young People – The board and subgroup structure need to continue to coordinate the funding and bidding opportunities that are available. Under the LCPF and VRU the CSP Team bring together the partnership to help shape the specifications, proposals, and delivery, this was agreed and needs to be considered for external funding opportunities. The YOS Board highlighted a good piece of work on developing a leaflet on stop and search and young people’s rights. It was agreed for this to be shared with the board once finalised.


Reducing Reoffending Group have made the decision to suspend the meeting whilst we look at the purpose of the group. The groups need to become more outcome driven and a wider focus of co-commissioning opportunities.


SNB Board highlighted concerns on ward panels which have struggled virtually, and numbers have reduced. The SNB chair is liaising with Mel Baker to assist in returning face to face to ensure these meetings do not cease. The SNB chair requested for an update on scrutiny panels.


ACTION: Angie Fuller to link in with Steve Thompson who can connect the development of the Stop and Search leaflet for young people with the Stop and Search Monitoring Group

ACTION: Paul Trevers to provide update to board members on the police encounter panels


2 minutes


Date of Next Meeting

Community Safety Partnership Board

Wednesday 08 December 2021, 10:00am-13:00pm

MS Teams (TBC)

CHAIR: Councillor Mullane


Community Safety Partnership Board

Wednesday 08 December 2021, 10:00am-13:00pm

MS Teams

Chair: Councillor Mullane