Agenda and minutes

Community Safety Partnership
Wednesday, 6 December 2023 10:00 am

Venue: Meeting held virtually via MS Teams

Contact: Ilirjeta Buzoku, Community Safety Partnership Officer 

Note No. Item

2 minutes


Introductions and Apologies for Absence


Stuart Bell, Community Safety Partnership chair opened the December meeting and introductions and apologies were noted.


The chair informed the board that a representative from HMICFRS (His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services) is in attendance to observe to allow evidence gathering for the PEEL review that is due to be undertaken in March 2024.


ACTION: Jade Cavalli to chase outstanding ISA signatures.


2 minutes


Declaration of Interests

Members of the Board are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


No declarations of interest to note.


5 minutes


Minutes pdf icon PDF 148 KB


The September CSP board minutes were reviewed, and the following actions were requested.


ACTION: Isabelle Kennedy to be noted on the attendee’s list - CLOSED

ACTION: Angela D’Urso to amend September minutes on DAIP to reflect correct update – CLOSED


The following updates were noted as outstanding.

1.  Update on ASB MARAC

2.  CCTV Update


Gary Jones noted the ASB MARAC led by Karen Bryan is functioning well and MPS attend. The chair requested headline updates on ASB Community MARAC at the March 2024 CSP. 


ACTION: Jade Cavalli to add headline updates on ASB Community MARAC to March CSP - CLOSED

ACTION: Jade Cavalli to share September CSP report on ASB Community MARAC with chair - CLOSED

ACTION: Board members to agree what updates are required for the CCTV update report.



Drugs and Alcohol Services Tender pdf icon PDF 106 KB


Method statements have been received in relation to the Drugs and Alcohol Services retender which are under review. The team aim to agree preferred providers by the end of December and announce those in early January. There will be a 10-day standing period to raise any challenges, aiming to officially announce preferred providers in January 2024. 


The contract for the new services will runs for 5-years from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2028 with the option to extend for a further 2-years.


In total they council received 4 tenders for the young people’s service and 5 tenders for the adult service, 2 providers applied for both. Out of those tenders, 2 providers are from the care system and the others are already delivering services across other sectors.


ACTION: Jade Cavalli to add Drugs and Alcohol Services Tender update to March CSP Board - CLOSED



CSP Board and Structure Review


A review of the CSP will be undertaken. The purpose of the review is to look at the roles and responsibilities of the board to try and work as effectively and efficiently as possible to avoid meeting duplication. The review will focus on

1.  Reviewing the membership and governance so the CSP reflects a core statutory executive membership with set subgroups. Improving attendance is key, the CSP may need to introduce mini agreements told hold partners to account for attendance with a suitable deputy identified.

2.  Review the structure of the board and its subgroup including reviewing information flow up and down. This review will feed into the council’s restructure of the CSP and wider teams.

3.  Whether the board should remain a public forum or become a solely restricted, this would reduce the level of administration but also improve accountability and decision making.

4.  Use the learning from the Safeguarding Childrens Partnership (SCP) to inform the CSP review.

5.  Explore a working group may support the planning and development of the new structures and increased partnership working with the BCU. One Panel is an area that highlights how effective working can be achieved across boroughs.


Stuart Bell agreed on the importance of the review and the need for a clear process of how we should do business up and down the partnership structure with clear objectives and better communication. The chair advised to look at other boroughs who have undertaken similar reviews for best practice.


Angela D’Urso noted the review needs to link in with other statutory structures to provide more efficient ways of reporting. The LGA peer review from the SCP can help frame the CSP review.


The chair requested the boards commitment to support the review and noted the final decision should be partnership led. A task and finish group can look at the current structure and responsibilities then develop a proposal as to how we move forward including learning from best practice.


ACTION: Jade Cavalli to add update from Katie Jones on forward plan for March CSP to outline current structure, subgroups, how to we hold them to account, useful investment of time going into each group, is it effective along with a proposal for change - CLOSED

Action: Katie Jones to link in with David Rhodes chief inspector for the CSP review.



One Panel


In June 2023 the Safeguarding Childrens Partnership (SCP) invited the LGA to undertake peer review, looking at effectiveness of the partnership and its arrangements. One of the initial findings was around the structure, subgroups, and effectiveness. The SCP Executive Group reviewed the recommendations to agree how each can be taken forward. 


The SCP are discussing with partners the learning of One Panel that has been adopted on neighbouring boroughs. Both the SCP and Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) hold reviews like DHRs which are a big expense and undertaking of work, and in most cases have a cross over between boards. The One Panel would seek to join CSP, SCP and SAB into a think family approach, with expertise around the table to review and determine where the information should feed into and if what reviews should be conducted. One Panel would have shared responsibility across the business managers who would triage referrals providing clear pathways. The panel would meet monthly when there are cases to review, the frequency of the meetings can be reviewed if there are no cases.


A suggested membership has been provided in the draft ToR, senior membership which has been agreed through the SCP. The One Panel is being presented to the SAB in January, if approved the first One Panel meeting will be arranged for early February with Elaine Allegretti chairing the initial meetings. 


Angela D’Urso highlighted the opportunity this provides to the CSP around DHR and rapid review process, at present we don’t have a place in partnership for dissemination of learning and practice. The One Panel would hold that responsibility to ensure this connects into the right partnerships, the multi statutory partnership ways of working supports the aim for the CSP structure review.


The chair and board members agreed to support the implementation of One Panel.


ACTION: Jade Cavalli to add One Panel update to March CSP led by Jemma Breslin - CLOSED



Domestic Abuse Improvement Programme Update


The VAWGSG will meet at the end of the quarter to fully programme manage to DAIP, therefore a verbal update was provided to the CSP. The following was noted.

·  16 days of activism has delivered a series of successful events.

·  VAWGSG are working on new funding stream to create a SISTAS expert, which aims to support families in a more targeted way to achieve better outcomes for children and families. The role will sit with those working with young people subject to protection plans and experience serious DA. A project team are meeting weekly to implement, reviewing measuring tools and making required changes to systems.

·  As a result of Support2safety there has been on average 2 cases referred into MARAC, due to having a better grip on the risk management.

·  Rolling out of Safe and Together and DARAC across the childrens workforce. Training sessions have been positive and looking at how we see the changes in practice.

·  Positive uptake of the DA multi-agency learning programme.

·  9 DA Champions have been trained in tranche 1, tranche 2 is scheduled for May 2024. There is a call for nominations across the partnership. The training also incorporates community champions.

·  AVA Programme workshops looking at homelessness and housing services, a workshop was undertaken, and shared priories identified. This supports co-designing of interventions and providers opportunities for commissioning.


Stuart Bell highlighted the new VAWG action plan is being launched in December. This will look at business, delivery of the action plan core commitments, and how the governance on VAWG is considered in CSPs. A quarterly VAWG governance panel is being implemented and the MPS will need support from the 3 CSP in the BCU. CSPs will be consulted on how the panel will be set up. This work will need to feed into the CSP review. Angela noted the BCU has a close tri-borough working on VAWG which will provide a solid platform.


ACTION: Angela D’Urso to share presentation on Support2Saftey with CSP Members.



Domestic Homicide Review and Proposed Rapid Review


Item is marked as restricted.



Prevent Update


Item is marked as restricted.



Serious Violence Duty Assessment


Item is marked as restricted.


5 minutes


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 169 KB


The board reviewed the CSP forward plan and agreed the items for the next CSP following the additional requests from this board.


5 minutes


Any Other Business


Subgroup update reports were provided within the agenda pack. The VAWGSG have not met so not update could be provided at the time of the meeting.


ACTION: Jade Cavalli to update CSP Forward Plan with the VAWG strategy replacing the DIAP update for March 2024 - CLOSED


The board were advised meeting dates for 2024 will need to change for the MPS Chair to attend.


ACTION: Jade Cavalli to share new proposed CSP Board dates for 2024 with chairs - CLOSED

ACTION: Jade Cavalli to update calendar invites for the 2024 CSP boards once dates agreed.



Subgroup Update Reports


No further updates provided.


5 minutes


Safer Neighbourhood Board Update


No further updates provided.



Safeguarding Boards Update Report pdf icon PDF 110 KB


No further updates provided.


2 minutes


Date of Next Meeting

Community Safety Partnership Board

DATE TBC, 10:00am-13:00pm

Committee Room 2

CHAIR: Councillor Ghani


Community Safety Partnership Board

Wednesday 03 April 2023, 10:00am-13:00pm

Committee Room 2

Chair: Councillor Ghani