Agenda and minutes

Community Safety Partnership
Wednesday, 3 April 2024 10:00 am

Venue: Barking Town Hall, Committee Room 2

Contact: Jade Cavalli, Community Safety Partnership Policy Officer 

Note No. Item

2 minutes


Introductions and Apologies for Absence


Councillor Ghani opened the April 2024 CSP board and introductions and apologies were noted.


2 minutes


Declaration of Interests

Members of the Board are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


No declarations of interest to note.


5 minutes


Minutes pdf icon PDF 211 KB


The December CSP board minutes and actions were reviewed and agreed by partners. The following actions are to be completed.


ACTION: CCTV Update to be discussed and scheduled on the agenda for the next CSP Board meeting.

ACTION: Angela d’Urso to share Support2Safety presentation with CSP Members

ACTION: Stephen Hynes and Zahid Iqbal to share ICB problem profile CLOSED



Headline updates on ASB Community MARAC pdf icon PDF 99 KB


The ASB, Crime and Policing Act 2014 looked to shift the focus from centrally set targets, and types of behaviour, to looking at the impacts on victims. This is done through a multi-agency problem solving panel, establishing a formal risk assessment, and merging and utilising partnership ASB data. 


The first community MARAC took place in October 2023 and 4 meetings have been held. To date, 2 cases have been declined as they did not meet criteria for Community MARAC. 2 cases have been resolved and closed at Five Elms and Fanshaw Avenue and 2 cases referred or with other departments for action, Kingsley Mews, and Tilney Road. There are currently 3 open and ongoing cases, Aidan Close, Padnall Road and Laburnum House.


MPS share thanks to partners and highlighted the positive impact and improvements. Going forward there will be an increased focus in the task and finish group and utilising tactics such as FPNs.


ACTION: Qais Ghafar to share written briefing on Community MARAC with CSP Members. CLOSED



Drugs and Alcohol Service Tender pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Additional documents:


The new Adult and Young Peoples Service should be in place however due to a technical issue regarding funding LBBD had to pull the tender and restart the tender process.  The new closing date for submissions is 03 April 2024. A report was provided to continue the existing service for a further 5 months whilst the tender is underway to ensure continuity of service. The new service will be in place by 01 September 2024. The adult service will continue to deliver the clinical side of substitute medication for opioids, this will remain part of the service. The young person service does not have a clinical side, however young people can work with the adult’s clinical team where there is need.


as a tri-borough (Barking and Dagenham, Havering, and Redbridge) has received additional funding by the Department of Work and Pensions, which is managed by the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID).  The funding is for 2-years (2024/25 & 2025/26), to deliver Individual Placement and Support (IPS) scheme, which will provide and offer bespoke intensive ‘packages’ to individuals in drug and alcohol treatment to assist them to find sustainable paid employment.


The funding and the scheme commenced as from 1st April 2024, staff have been recruited by CGL Havering who will be responsible for delivering the scheme across the tri-boroughs and has recruited 3-IPS workers, who will be responsible for delivering the scheme in their identified borough and will be managed by a IPS coordinator.


ACTION: Amolak Tatter to provide update on Drugs and Alcohol Tender at July 2024 CSP board.



One Panel


First one panel meeting was held on 05 February 2024 which focused on determining the functions of the panel. Following changes to chair the March meeting was cancelled, the One Panel will be chaired by the Operational Director Adult Social Care Suzanne Knoerr. Following the first One Panel, our first rapid review in relation to a potential DHR was initiated, the review has been undertaken on 13 March 2024. The majority vote was that this case did not meet the criteria however this was not a unanimous vote as refuge felt the case would meet the criteria, therefore case will be referred back to the one Panel for final decision. The next One Panel is schedule for 18 April 2024.



Serious Violence Duty Strategy and Action Plan


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VAWG Operational Meeting pdf icon PDF 139 KB


A new monthly Barking and Dagenham VAWG public spaces delivery group has been set up, since development the group has met twice, with the first full operational meeting having taken place at the end of March 2024. The group has been set up to provide a platform for the cross strands and for the local authority and partners to understand, identify and address problems, threats, and risks in relation to women and girls in Barking in Dagenham. The aims and objectives of the group are to analyse performance and data in line with objectives, use the group as a focal point for public spaces activity, engage third sector organisations and analysis of data and find solutions and risk mitigation. This meeting links in with the TTCG and MET GOLD quarterly meeting. Following the recent meeting the group are keen to link in with the VAWG adolescent lead and schools to ensure we respond to data following increase of sexual assaults for under 18s.


Stuart Bell noted this is a positive piece of work and the MET are encouraging this to be replicated within Havering and Redbridge. As part of the MET organisational core commitments and action plan, the aim is to deliver a VAWG tri-borough meeting to look across the whole BCU at the key areas where activity should be focused. The meeting will look at performance data, trends, and analysis of VAWG, public spaces, perpetrators and building trust and confidence.


Jennie Coombes highlighted the opportunity for joint working on the co-design and production of new spaces and improvement of old spaces.


Councillor Worby stressed VAWG and DA offences have not improved for a long period of time, we have developed new initiatives, action plans and strategies but we are not making significant headway to improving VAWG and DA and reaching the underlying problems. The DA Commission highlighted how embedded DA and VAWG is within the borough.


Councillor Ghani requested an increase in walk and talks to be conduct monthly and during darker hours, this should be supported by BeFirst to help respond to issues such as poor lighting and improving public spaces.  Councillor Ghani further stressed the importance of reviewing capacity within VAWG and the need for a dedicated VAWG lead.


ACTION: Qais Ghafar, Jennie Coombes and Caroll Weeden to increase plans for walk and talks.


VAWG Strategy


The current VAWG strategy was produced in 2017 lasting until 2023 before the introduction of the DA Commission. Due to the new statutory duty, a full needs assessment was to be completed to look at how we fit within the new and emerging structures. The VAWG group considered several areas, what are the VAWG plans of partners, the view of communities and work under the DA Commission. A draft document has been developed and 4 priorities set.


1.  How we work – how we work local and as a partnership to tackle VAWG.

2.  Preventing VAWG and address the root causes - Linked to deter within the SVD strategy,

3.  Survivors can access the right support at the right time by the right people –

4.  Clear focus on perpetrators and holding perpetrators to account.


Top level actions are embedded within the priorities, and embedded principles that were agreed as part of the DA Commission. Once the SVD strategy is signed off and published the VAWG strategy will follow. And subsequently we will look at how we turn the strategy into delivery and have oversight. The DIAP will incorporate outcomes of the strategy and linked into the SVD action plan for monitoring delivery.


Redbridge and Havering are updating their VAWG strategies and we are exploring the development of a tri-borough statement on commitments and shared commitments to align the boroughs strategies


Councillor Ghani highlighted the CSP review will support identifying gaps and where resources are needed which includes the priority areas around VAWG and women’s safety. The Council are looking at configuration for how we deliver and moving back to a more targeted intervention aiming for proposals within the next 6 months on what the council will look like going forward.


ACTION: Angela D’Urso to share written update on the VAWG strategy following the board.

ACTION: Angela D’Urso to bring VAWG strategy for approval to next CSP board. 



Domestic Abuse Improvement Plan pdf icon PDF 309 KB


During 2023/24 the DIAP development hit a significant number of milestones and targets including,

·  The mobilisation of new services for children and young people, perpetrators of DA

·  Successful roll out of the new learning and development offer.

·  Symposiums were held during 16 days of activism with successful relationships built and outcomes set to help formulate national policies.

·  DA champions are available across all levels within the council to support individuals in the work plan who are or may be a victim of DA.

·  New teams working with supporting children and young people and families on the edge of care affected and impacted by DA.

·  Health IDVA based at the hospitals picking up at key service locations i.e. A&E and maternity.

·  Ongoing work with MARAC and the development of a single tri-borough form.

·  LBBD nominals on the top 100 VAWG MET offenders list will be shared with local authorities to help come up with innovative enforcement.

·  Significant focus on young people, looking at outreach, work within schools, hotspots where victims and perpetrators and linking in with the YOS.

·  Focus on increasing awareness of and referrals into the services we commission, review of pathways, recommissioning of victim survivor domestic and sexual abuse service as contract ends of 31 September 2024. Fianlising funding for contracts and contributions of additional resources in order to commission on larger scale.

·  Multidisciplinary team set up in the MAESH will be continued to be provided as part of the contract.


Our successful bid with AVA to become one of their housing and homeless boroughs working with experts to develop a programme of improvement has unfortunately had to stop due to Ava declaring bankruptcy. Work is being done to try and keep the experts. 


There is one DHR ongoing, a rapid review undertaken, and we are heavily involved in a DHR being undertaken in Hertfordshire.


Gaps in funding services is a huge issue across the board, need to get together to look at how we can work together to evaluate and look at effectiveness. Councillor Worby highlighted the strong reliance on grant funding within this priority area which needs to delivery pressured core functions.


ACTION: Angela D’Urso to link in with Sam Hodges to increase safeguarding promotion through comms channels.



Police representation – Proactive unit/Gangs


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Domestic Homicide Reviews and Rapid Review


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5 minutes


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 68 KB


The board reviewed the CSP forward plan and agreed the items for the next CSP following the additional requests from this board.


ACTION: CCTV Update on joint working to be scheduled for next CSP board

ACTION: Gary Jones and Mo Mahmood to produce a joint report on the Police Funded team to be scheduled for next CSP board.



5 minutes


Any Other Business


Performance Report pdf icon PDF 47 KB


Subgroup Update Reports


Hate Crime and Intolerance Extremism Subgroup is chaired by Daniel Bacon, whilst the group has been meeting for some time, the attendance remains low with representation mainly by the Council and MPS. The subgroups need to be reviewed to look at the structure, effectiveness, and attendance with a focus to increase community representation. Additionally, MPS request for a co-chair to be explored. 


Substance misuse operational meeting – A review is being undertaken to look at merging the substance misuse and reducing reoffending to improve the structure. Tri-borough funding has been provided to have individual placement support (IPS) schemes, which includes 3 IPS workers and a co-ordinator to work with specialised employment workers within the drugs services. Havering are leading on the tri-borough arrangements so funding will be provided directly to Havering and staffing into CGL.



Safeguarding Boards Update Report pdf icon PDF 110 KB

2 minutes


Date of Next Meeting

Community Safety Partnership

Wednesday 03 July 2024, 10.00-13.00pm

Chair: Stuart Bell MS Teams


Community Safety Partnership Board

Wednesday 03 July 2024, 10:00am-13:00pm

MS Teams

Chair: Stuart Bell