Agenda and minutes

Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common)
Wednesday, 5 September 2018 6:30 pm

Venue: Conference Room, Barking Learning Centre, 2 Town Square, Barking, IG11 7NB

Contact: Alan Dawson, Democratic Services Manager, Ground Floor, Town Hall, 1 Town Square, Barking, IG11 7LU 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were submitted on behalf of Elaine Allegretti, Director of People and Resilience, Detective Inspector John Cooze and Dr Nadeem Moghal, BHRUT. 


The Chair expressed concern that no representatives were in attendance from BHRUT and the Metropolitan Police, and that both organisations should be reminded in future of the importance of sending substitutes. 


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members of the Board are asked to declare any interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes (12 June 2018) pdf icon PDF 89 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 12 June 2018 were confirmed as correct.


Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Additional documents:


The Board noted the Safeguarding Adult Board Annual Report for 2017/18 as set out as an appendix to the report presented by Brian Parrott, Independent Chair. This included an outline of the purpose and function of the Board, namely to ensure vulnerable adults feel safe and protected from harm and abuse, its achievements over the past year and relationships with core partners as well as the key challenges and priorities for the coming year incorporated into the Board’s strategic and work plans, as detailed in the annual report.


The Board welcomed the report and reflected on the SAB priorities for 2018/19, specifically the need for greater awareness raising with the wider community and health agencies of safeguarding issues particularly around the exploitation agenda, including advice on how best to report and capture concerns.  


Development of Barking Riverside Health and Wellbeing Hub - Outputs of Board Workshop pdf icon PDF 44 KB


The Board noted the outcome of the first of a series of workshops convened to look at the high-level outcomes as part of the development of the health and wellbeing approach at Barking Riverside, including the design specification for the Health and Wellbeing Hub as part of the new district centre. A note summarising the outcomes of the workshop will be available alongside the Board minutes. 


The Chair stressed that this Board and its health partners cannot afford to miss the opportunity to develop a unique and innovative model of health care for local residents. This was echoed by Dr John who stated that colleagues at the CCG are excited and refreshed about the plans for the location and are hopeful that partners can and will deliver. 


It was noted that updates would be given at future meetings on the emerging shape of the health and wellbeing programme for the locality.


Update on Development of Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019-2023 pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Additional documents:


At its meeting in March 2018 the Board endorsed the process for the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2019-2023 including incorporating an ‘I’ statements approach to achieving real outcomes for local communities.


The report and accompanying presentation from officers in Public Health  provided an update on the development work of the Strategy including the outcomes of a series of resident focus groups to formulate the statements and stakeholder workshops which looked at outcomes and measures of the three themes of the Strategy, namely:


·  Best Start in Life

·  Early Diagnosis and Intervention

·  Building Resilience


Due to the difficulties in defining the meaning of resilience for different groups of residents, the latter workshop focused on getting a consensus from which a total of 10 outcomes have been produced, and which were presented to the Board to consider and prioritise. A number of observations were made with an overall consensus that the objectives are too broad in definition and would benefit from grouping together, and from which specific measures can then be agreed.


In terms of the next steps, taking onboard the above comments, officers will refine the draft strategy for presentation at the Board in November for approval to go out to public consultation. Final approval will then be sought from the Board in January 2019. 


Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Framework Performance Report - Q1 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Additional documents:


The Board were presented with the dashboard of performance information for quarter 1 (1 April – 30 June 2018) which included the RAG ratings of 20 indicators. The report also referred to the rating of 16 CQC inspection reports for the period. The Director of Public Health highlighted for the Board’s attention a number of indicators including:


·  % reduction in the uptake of MMR2 immunisation at 5 years old and in that respect the recent measles outbreak in London;

·  Early diagnosis with older adult screening programmes not where they need to be, and

·  % increase in A&E attendances (target 4 hours from arrival to admission, transfer or discharge).


Reference was made to the recently published report by the CQC into its findings from an inspection of the King George’s Emergency Urgent Care Centre (EUCC) earlier in the year, which has resulted in an inadequate rating and the Centre placed in special measures. Given these concerns the CCG has undertaken its own inspection and whilst there are areas requiring improvement, given the work undertaken since the review took place, the CQC feel the situation is not as critical as first thought and is regarded as safe for all three boroughs residents to use. It is hoped this assessment will be confirmed when the CQC carries out its follow up review.


It was noted that a report would be presented to the Council’s Health Scrutiny Committee looking at the areas for improvement.


Sub-Group Reports pdf icon PDF 45 KB

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The Board received and noted the minutes of recent meetings of both the Learning Disability Partnership and the Integrated Care Partnership Boards. The Chair intends to come back with a report on the IC Partnership Board to demonstrate the good work taking place.


The Board noted that a report on the work of the Mental Health Sub Group will be separately circulated to Board members for information. 


Chair's Report pdf icon PDF 45 KB

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The Board received and noted the Chair’s report, which included details of the LGA Green Paper for Adult Social Care and Wellbeing, the NHS Continuing HealthCare National Framework and its affect for the Borough, a “right to thrive” project as a development of Thrive London Health Board, the Citywide movement to improve the mental health and wellbeing of all Londoners, which was reported on at the last meeting, and the outcomes from consultations from Learning Disabilities Week 2018.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 46 KB

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The Board received and noted the current Forward Plan for the 2018/19 municipal year.