Agenda and minutes

Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common)
Tuesday, 15 January 2019 6:00 pm

Venue: Conference Room, Barking Learning Centre, 2 Town Square, Barking, IG11 7NB

Contact: Alan Dawson, Democratic Services Manager, Ground Floor, Town Hall, 1 Town Square, Barking, IG11 7LU 

No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members of the Board are asked to declare any interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


Melody Williams, NELFT declared an interest and took no part in the discussions in relation to Item 5-Health-Based Places of Safety.


Minutes - To confirm as correct the minutes of the meeting on 7 November 2018 pdf icon PDF 75 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 7 November 2018 were confirmed as correct subject to the inclusion of Ceri Jacobs, CCG in the list of those present.


Barking Riverside: Developing the health and care model and specification for a Health and Wellbeing Hub pdf icon PDF 52 KB


Following a workshop convened for Board members on 5 September 2018, the Board received a presentation from Mark Howard, Project Manager on the findings/conclusions to date on the proposed design of the Health & Wellbeing Hub in the new district centre  and the health/care model; the approach to the associated community engagement, which at the Board’s request should also include the Adult College as a key stakeholder. The Board also had regard to the governance model which has been drawn up around the formation of the ‘Locality 4 Board’ and the technical aspects around the development of the Healthy New Town infrastructure.


The slides that accompanied the report and which were presented at the meeting, will be subsequently circulated to all Board Members. 


The Board emphasised the importance of bringing together the existing Thames View community and those emerging in the Riverside development as well as engaging with partners such as the Police and Faith leaders to bring them onboard with the ‘Healthy New Town’ concept, a model of care, the principles of which the Board would like to see embedded in other developments across the Borough.


Aside of the design principles developed to this point the Board want the next stage of consultation focusing on drawing out the different needs of both the existing and emerging local communities, and what the culture and values of the Hub will represent, such as a place to study for young people and being dementia friendly. 


It was recognised that beyond the current client brief there is no structure in place to keep stakeholders informed including how the faith community can play its part. In that respect the Board welcomed the offer of Healthwatch to support the wider community engagement.  Consequently, in all likelihood further interim arrangements will need to be put in place.


The model of care is seen as a developing plan as the Riverside develops and new communities/residents emerge. Further development work will therefore be undertaken to firm up the governance arrangements etc including the relationship between this Board and the planned Locality 4 Board, with a view to reporting progress to a future meeting.








Health-Based Places of Safety pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Additional documents:


The Board received a presentation from the Mental Health Programme Director, City and Hackney CCG outlining a report from the East London Health & Care Partnership setting out in full the pan-London business case for fewer, better quality health-based places of safety for people typically detained by the Police under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act. The Board noted that this matter has previously been presented to the Joint Health and Overview & Scrutiny Committee, who from a local perspective did not raise any strong objections.

Although the proposals will see the existing 20 dedicated sites across London reduced to 9 hubs, each will have improved capacity with more rooms and 24/7 staffing on site including for the North East London Region, Sunflower Court in the neighbouring Borough of Redbridge, for which additional funding has been secured.

Whilst issues were raised concerning the additional capacity and quality of care across London to support children and young people with mental health needs, overall the Board have welcomed the proposals and noted that the Chair intends to ask Councillor C. Rice in his role as the Council’s Mental Health Champion to take a view on the business case in the context of the Board’s Mental Health Strategy. 






Borough Data Explorer: Opportunities for improved analytical capacity for health and wellbeing pdf icon PDF 52 KB


The Board received a presentation by the Council’s Insight Unit concerning the development of a Borough Data Explorer and a Social Progress Index at a ward level; the first of its type. Similar presentations have been made to a number of health & wellbeing system partners. The presentation demonstrated how data at ward level based on the ninety-one indicators in the Borough Manifesto when drilled down further could be used to target specific areas for direct health interventions. 


The Board expressed their excitement at the opportunities for deploying the tool to support health and wellbeing activity. They have requested a further report in six months to assess the value of it in terms of benefiting the health and wellbeing of Borough residents. 



Update on 'Breezie' Pilot Project pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The Board noted a report and welcomed the progress and current status of the ‘Breezie’ pilot project, a tablet device which has been rolled out to over sitxy elderly residents across the borough, the results of a survey of which has shown to be significantly reducing the feelings of isolation for the participating elderly residents by helping them to get online.

The Board is keen to see the further expansion of the tablets and integration opportunities to deliver on the outcomes of the Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy. In particular the Chair would like to see the devices used to help support people with long term health conditions such as diabetes. Dr John, Deputy Chair from the CCG would also welcome testing and integrating the devices to allow for online booking of GP appointments.

The Board noted that the user survey will continue to be undertaken and monitored so as to track progress and provide a better understanding of the effectiveness of the intervention with a view to considering further funding opportunities for an expansion of the project beyond the initial 2 year pilot phase which will also include officers working with partners to further integrate the project with other digital solutions across the health and social care economy. 





Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019 - 2023 pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:


Following approval at the Board in November 2018 the draft Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy was subject to an eight week online public consultation which resulted in a total of 39 responses.

In reviewing the final draft and specifically the three priorities (Best Start in Life, Early Diagnosis & Intervention and Building Resilience) the proposal is that under each priority the various Enablers:’ What needs to change? Our Pledges’ should reference ‘Peer to Peer’ as the Board recognise the value of this approach to help achieve positive outcomes.

Subject to the above, and clearer sign posting to the Council’s website to access relevant documentation, the Board

RESOLVED: To approve for publication the Strategy as set out in Appendix 1 to the report and noted that it will be presented to the Council Assembly on 30 January 2019.


Integrated Care Partnership Update pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Additional documents:


Mark Tyson Commissioning Director presented an update on progress with the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) which included a summary of a workshop session with the ICP Board. This reviewed the current position on governance, transformation priorities and future developments of the ICPB work plan; and concluded with Councillor Worby as Chair issuing a challenge to partners to provide from their collaborative working three clear, publicly demonstrable outcomes. These are currently being worked on by partners and expected to report back next month.


The Board also received an update from Sharon Marrow, CCG on an overview of the NHS Financial Recovery Plan which is being managed alongside the wider ICPB programme and which aims to bring the NHS Partners/System back to financial balance by March 2021. This is an ambitious evolving plan with the expectation that further reports will be presented to the Board as additional funding streams come on line to support the transformation of services.


The Chair reported that she is mindful to suggest to the Partnership that going forward it would be more appropriate for the Provider Alliance to be represented on this Board rather the Trust.


Accordingly, the Board noted the report and current position and will await a further report in due course setting out ways in which the ICP programme aims to support the delivery of the Health & Wellbeing Strategy. 





Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 54 KB

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The Boardnoted the current draft edition of the Forward Plan.