Agenda and minutes

JNC Appointments, Salaries and Structures Panel
Monday, 24 April 2023 1:30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Barking

Contact: Alan Dawson, Head of Governance & Electoral Services 

No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes (27 March 2023) pdf icon PDF 53 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 27 March 2023 were confirmed as correct.


Private Business


It was resolved to exclude the public and press from the remainder of the meeting by reason of the nature of the business to be discussed which included information exempt from publication by virtue of paragraph 1 of Part 1, Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


Appointment of Chief Executive (and Head of Paid Service)


Further to Minute 16 (27 March 2023), the Panel reconvened to consider the appointment of a new Chief Executive (and Head of Paid Service) following the shortlisting of two candidates to progress to the final stages of the selection process.


Since the last meeting, the two shortlisted candidates had participated in stakeholder panel interviews and undergone psychometric personality testing.  Reports on those two processes had been prepared by Hays Consultancy for consideration by the Panel, alongside the job description and person specification for the post, the CVs and supporting statements of the two candidates and relevant extracts from the external technical assessment report.  Rob Whiteman, Chief Executive of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) and co-author of the technical assessment report, and representatives of Hays Consultancy were present at the meeting in an advisory capacity to answer any questions in relation to their respective reports.


The Panel reconsidered the candidates’ applications and the findings from the external technical assessment and reviewed the findings from the stakeholder panel interviews and psychometric personality test.  Candidates had been asked to give a brief presentation on the subject matter ofWhat would be your key priorities for the first three months and also the first two years? Tell us what the Council will achieve over the next five years and your approach to securing this?” and the Panel agreed the interview questions to be asked following the candidates’ presentations.


Following the presentations and interviews, the Panel discussed the candidates’ responses to the interview questions and the supporting information and reached a unanimous decision.


The Panel resolved to recommend the Assembly to appoint Fiona Taylor to the post of Chief Executive (and Head of Paid Service) on a permanent basis at the spot salary of £184,557.