Agenda item

'Closing the Gap': Priorities for Essential Change in Mental Health


Gillian Mills, Integrated Care Director, NELFT, advised that two years ago, in its mental health strategy, ‘No Health Without Mental Health’, the Government had stated that mental health must have equal priority with physical health, that discrimination associated with mental health problems must end and that everyone who needs mental health care should get the right support, at the right time.  There was also clear recognition that more needed to be done to prevent mental ill health and promote mental wellbeing. 


Since that time a lot of positive changes had occurred but more still needed to be done and nationally, people who use mental health services, and those caring for them, continue to report gaps in provision and long waits for services.  There was still an enormous gap in physical health outcomes for those with mental health problems.  Ms Mills commented that there was clearly a disparity in treatment and evidenced that 70% of those with heart conditions and 90% of those with diabetes receive regular treatment but only 20% of those with anxiety are receiving any treatment.  There was also far less provision of acute or emergency mental health support services out-of-hours, for example at weekends and bank holidays.


The February 2014 Department of Health ‘Closing The Gap’ report had challenged the health and social care sector to go further and faster to transform the support and care available to both children and adults with mental health problems.  The ‘Closing The Gap’ report also challenged Public Health services to give greater attention to mental health and wellbeing promotion and prevention. 


The Board were also informed that a benchmarking audit, against the 25 recommendations, was being undertaken and the issues would form part of an engagement event in October 2014.


Councillor Carpenter pointed out that in section 20 of the LGiU document, attached as Appendix 1to the report, there was mention of £43m to support a small number of housing projects designed with and for people with mental health problems and leaning disabilities and asked if the Borough was going to receive any of this funding.  The Chair advised she would investigate and advise the Board Members of the results. 


Dr Goripathi suggested that mental health needs to be a core part of other strategies, such as alcohol and drug abuse strategies as well as general health strategies, as mental health issues could result from long-term physical health problems and were often an underlying cause of substance abuse. 


Councillor Turner commented that it might be useful to have a self-assessment on where we were as a Borough on this issue.  Ms Mills confirmed that this was currently being undertaken and we would then be in a position to identify our strengths and any weaknesses.


Anne Bristow advised that the Health and Wellbeing Strategy is currently being refreshed and suggested that cross referencing of mental health issues should be fed into that.


The Board noted:


(i)  The 25 recommendations highlighted within the Closing the Gap report.


(ii)  The Mental Health Sub-Group members were undertaking a benchmarking audit within their respective organisations to establish the level of services commissioned and provided within Barking and Dagenham against those 25 priorities.


(iii)  An implementation plan would be presented to the 28 October 2014 Board outlining the actions that need to be taken for local services to meet the report’s recommendations.


(iii)  There was a link between mental health and long-term physical conditions (e.g. diabetes, heart disease, COPD) and accordingly it would be efficient to link and coordinate the strategies and this would be part of the refresh of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


(iv)  The Chair would ascertain if the Borough was to benefit from the £43m for housing projects designed with and form people with mental health problems and leaning disabilities and would advise the Board Members accordingly.

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