Agenda item

Budget Framework 2018/19 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2018/19 - 2020/21


The Cabinet Member advised that a new Borough-wide initiative, to be known as ‘the People’s Dividend’, was to be launched, providing free breakfasts to primary-age school children living in households on the minimum wage or claiming Universal Credit. A pilot scheme to provide school uniforms for those on the lowest household incomes was also being launched.


The Assembly spoke in support of the proposals and, in response to questions, the Cabinet Member advised that:


- Ward Members would be consulted regarding potential improvements to Country Parks in the Borough;

- The budget for gritting roads during adverse weather would not be cut;

- The public consultation on the Council’s budget proposals for 2018/19 was wide ranging, although a key focus was given to the Council Tax proposals; and


In accordance with paragraph 10.3.2 of Part 2, Chapter 3 of the Council Constitution, the budget was put to a recorded vote and was agreed as follows:


For: Councillors Alasia, Alexander, Aziz, Bartlett, Bright, Butt, Carpenter, Chand, Channer, Choudhury, Fergus, Freeborn, Geddes, Ghani, Haroon, Jones, Kangethe, Keller, Miah, Ogungbose, Oluwole, Quadri, Rai, Ramsay, C Rice, L Rice, Rodwell, Shaukat, Twomey, L Waker and P Waker (31).


Against: None (0)


Abstain: None (0)



The Assembly resolved to:


(i)  Approve a base revenue budget for 2018/19 of £145.368m, as detailed in Appendix A to the report, including the new savings proposals and other adjustments as detailed in this report.


(ii)  Approve the adjusted Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) position for 2018/19 to 2020/21 allowing for other known pressures and risks at this time, as detailed in Appendix B to the report, including the additional cost of borrowing to accommodate the capital costs associated with the implementation of the MTFS;


(iii)  Delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Growth and Investment, to finalise any contribution required to or from reserves in respect of the 2018/19 budget, pending confirmation of levies and further changes to Government grants prior to 1 April 2018;


(iv)  Approve the Statutory Budget Determination for 2018/19 as set out at Appendix C to the report, which reflects an increase of 2.99% on the amount of Council Tax levied by the Council, a further 3% increase in relation to the Social Care Precept and the final Council Tax proposed by the Greater London Assembly (5.1% increase), as detailed in Appendix D to the report;


(v)  Note the update on the Council’s transformation programme;


(vi)  Approve the provision of a loan of £2.147m from the General Fund to the Barking and Dagenham Trading Partnership to cover the cost of new vehicles;


(vii)  Approve the Council’s draft Capital Programme for 2018/19 to 2021/22 totalling £531.292m, of which £163.672m related to General Fund schemes, £267.620m is HRA and £100m is for Development activity, as detailed in Appendix E to the report;


(viii)  Approve the updated Strategy for the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts at Appendix H to the report and, in doing so, note that the some of the associated savings targets shall be subject to final business cases and confirmation at future meetings of the Cabinet; and


(ix)  Approve the updated Dedicated Schools Budget for 2018/19, including the hourly rate payable to Early Years providers (3 and 4-year olds), as detailed in section 14 of the report.


Councillor Liam Smith left the meeting during deliberation of the item and therefore took no part in the vote.

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