Agenda item

Women's Safety Presentation


A presentation was provided on the work strands around women’s safety across the partnership.

·  In April 2021, following the murder of Sarah Everard the council launched the Women’s Safety Survey for residents to map areas where they feel unsafe in the borough. 282 residents took part resulting in 408 pins. These findings were fed through the IVOLT and into the CDSA and CSP Plan. The data was analysed to look at the hotspot locations to help inform the Safe haven scheme and findings supported funding bids to deliver services and interventions to improve safety.

·  Safe Havens is a scheme working with local businesses to provide a safe space for residents if they feel unsafe of vulnerable in a community setting. Local data and findings from the women’s safety survey have been used to identify where safe havens will be required, the types of venues and times in which they will be beneficial. Consultation with young people through schools and BAD Forum was undertaken to design the logo, and ICE cards and information and advice pack for businesses were designed. A coordinator post is being developed to manage the roll out and coordination of the scheme. The CSP team continue to map businesses, connecting in council community hubs, and taking learning from street space pilot on perceptions of safety.

·  Street Space Station Activation pilot looked at perceptions of safety at Barking Station. This led a project that looks at different ways to change perceptions of safety at the station. Through the MHCLG Welcome Back Fund the CSP team commissioned an 8 week pilot to create spaces for performances, greening the area, displaying local artwork to connect people to the area. This commenced on 07th November 2021 running until the end of December 2021.

·  Councillors’ walkabouts were conducted following the women safety survey visiting hotspot areas to look at issues and engage with residents. The 3 locations visited were the Heathway, Chadwell Heath and Barking Town Centre. Findings have been worked up in to an action plan.

·  The CSP Team applied for Safety of Women at Night (SWAN) Fund to fund, coordination of safe havens, tootoot real time reporting app and bystander training. Only one borough in London received funding, however we are exploring other funding opportunities.

·  Women’s Night Safety Charter was launched by Mayors Office which sought organisations to nominate a champion to actively promote women’s safety at night, to train staff to ensure women who report are believed and how to record and respond. The Council will be signing up and actively encouraging local businesses in the borough.

·  An Environmental Visual Audit (EVA) was conducted by the MPS which resulted in 3 detailed reports for Barking Station/Station Parade, Wakering Road, and East Street/London Road. This is being monitored and delivered through the Barking Town Centre Action Plan meeting.

·  Street Safe pilot website where residents can report areas where they feel less safe has been launched, similar to LBBD women’s safety survey. The data is shared with the police basic command unit and shared with local partners; this will be delivered through the IVOLT subgroup.

·  Police town centre team has received a significant uplift in resources for Barking Town Centre, with 1 Inspector, 3 Sergeants and 21 Police Constables. The team is now live and operating.

·  Community Safety Enforcement Team is being recruited to which will focus on enforcement of PSPOs, CPN and CPW and support vulnerable into support services.

·  The IVOLT subgroup has been leading on perceptions of safety, looking at the recent areas of concern for women safety and problem solving.

·  The next steps are for the CSP to consider how we set up the conversation with communities to engage with residents and feedback what we are doing to close the loops and also how to encourage residents to engage and support with ideas for improving safety.


Angie Fuller noted the Safe Haven scheme is linked in to cultural venues for children and young people and are connected into the working group. Gordon Henderson questioned how this links with the Ask Angela campaign to ensure they do not conflict. Chris Lyons advised that licensing have delivered training on ask Angela and Ask Clive and agreed that we need to consider Safe Havens focusing on non-licenced premises. Pip Salvador- Jones agreed and noted the pressures felt within CVS organisations and the need to develop a framework around the schemes.


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